A friend of mine, mid 20's, had a mild COVID and a couple of weeks after coming out of COVID suffered AGE coming up from a shallow dive, less than 10m. He is now paralyzed on one side of his body and no vision in the eye on that side. Just like many here who "thought" they knew better and just went back to diving after their self diagnosis, he is now crippled for the rest of his life.
Another person, I don't know him personally, wasn't so lucky and died by the time he reached the surface. I believe that his COVID hit may have been stronger but I don't know the exact details as I do in the first case. Several others died diving after coming down with COVID but I don't have definitive information on their cases.
All of the cases I know and heard about were "self diagnosed" and they all thought they were fit to dive. Their arguments would probably be copy & paste from what was posted above.
I had a very mild case of COVID in summer of 2021 after the first vaccine shot with mild cold like symptoms no issues in throat or lungs, O2 levels in blood were normal. I went by the recommendation promoted by authorities in the US, stayed out of the water for 3 months, went to a lung specialist who ordered chest x-ray, CT scan, breathing test (my results were at the same level as athletes' level), lots of blood tests and a complete physical with all associated lab tests. I was cleared to go back to diving.
I have had 5 shots so far and I should go for my second booster in about a month from now. I wear masks when inside buildings or when there are many people around me, local markets for example. I wash my hands regularly especially when I get home and use disinfectant gel after filling gas, handling money, shaking hands with people (which I avoid still) or anything I think is a potential issue. I do NOT want to come down with COVID again.
One of the side benefits of following protocol is that I haven't come down with a cold or flu since the beginning of the pandemic, nothing at all. I usually come down with a very strong cold or flue at least twice a year, Fall and Spring, but nothing since COVID times for me.
I am not a "Doc" and I don't want to play one in this matter at all, I have only one pair of lungs and only one spinal cord.
Another person, I don't know him personally, wasn't so lucky and died by the time he reached the surface. I believe that his COVID hit may have been stronger but I don't know the exact details as I do in the first case. Several others died diving after coming down with COVID but I don't have definitive information on their cases.
All of the cases I know and heard about were "self diagnosed" and they all thought they were fit to dive. Their arguments would probably be copy & paste from what was posted above.
I had a very mild case of COVID in summer of 2021 after the first vaccine shot with mild cold like symptoms no issues in throat or lungs, O2 levels in blood were normal. I went by the recommendation promoted by authorities in the US, stayed out of the water for 3 months, went to a lung specialist who ordered chest x-ray, CT scan, breathing test (my results were at the same level as athletes' level), lots of blood tests and a complete physical with all associated lab tests. I was cleared to go back to diving.
I have had 5 shots so far and I should go for my second booster in about a month from now. I wear masks when inside buildings or when there are many people around me, local markets for example. I wash my hands regularly especially when I get home and use disinfectant gel after filling gas, handling money, shaking hands with people (which I avoid still) or anything I think is a potential issue. I do NOT want to come down with COVID again.
One of the side benefits of following protocol is that I haven't come down with a cold or flu since the beginning of the pandemic, nothing at all. I usually come down with a very strong cold or flue at least twice a year, Fall and Spring, but nothing since COVID times for me.
I am not a "Doc" and I don't want to play one in this matter at all, I have only one pair of lungs and only one spinal cord.