You're making the facts and truths get in the way of their hubris and playing an ostrich.
It’s also a gross distortion of the facts.
As suggested many death certificates do not differentiate death from Covid vs with Covid.
Additionally we’re looking only at deaths. The number of cases is not used for perspective.
It is claimed that there were 38 deaths from Covid per 100,000 residents in LA vs 3.5 for motor vehicle crashes and 5.9 for the flu.
This completely ignores the rate of Covid infection at the time, which is also grossly underreported as many home positive tests are never counted. If Covid is rampant then through nothing more than sheer numbers there will be more Covid related deaths than car related deaths. This type of comparison offers no insight into the absolute risk of either cause of death.
It also ignores any subgroups. For 70 year old folks Covid is much more likely to kill them than a car crash is. OTOH for a 20 year old your risk from a car crash is far greater than from Covid.
Stats can easily be twisted when someone has an agenda.