I am truly astonished that any responsible representative of a business / corporate entity (such as Willis) would make such statements about another business (PADI) in a public third-party communication!
The credibility of any negative potential action that Willis might need to take at a future time involving any insured PADI professional would seem to be seriously compromised by the obvious bias evident in the response.
Now, I suspect you actually wanted thoughts on a different aspect of the communication chain. But, my comment, above, was my immediate reaction.
With regard to the PADI DSD program:
1. I (and our shop) NEVER do OW DSDs. If a customer requests one, we decline to offer it.
2. We do a considerable number of Confined Water DSDs each year, for which the ratios are within PADI standards. If we have group DSD activity with 8 participants, we will normally have an Instructor and at least one, and usually 2 Divemasters in the water as well.
3. We do not accept minors in our group DSD offerings.
4. I infrequently participate in DSDs, but enjoy doing them when possible, and I believe they are a very appropriate way to introduce potential divers to SCUBA.
5. I would be reluctant to ever participate in an OW DSD with anything other than a 1:1 ratio, irrespective of participant age. Even then . . . .