Mike et al,
Let me explain something, and please no one take offense on what I have to say. It is important to get the point across.
Police here DO solve crimes here often. I think the whole thing is a misunderstanding of what is done here, and how the system works, especially because we are such a small island.
1. Since it is a small island word travels VERY fast. "Criminals can get off the island VERY fast" on Bonaire, and quietly if they knew that the police where "hot" on their trails. Therefore, the police's every move and every lead cannot be broadcasted in the newspaper, radio and television here on Bonaire.
2. The majority of "tourist" crimes are NOT committed by Bonaireans, not that we don't have a few (as they call themselves) "opportunists" on the island, but the majority are "rings" from other parts of the caribbean that sneak on to Bonaire in the dead of night (as I said for security reasons I cannot go into detail).
3. How the system works: Which is in the process of being addressed with the change over to Holland, these are big time "loop-holes" in the system. Let's say John Smith robs 10 houses or resorts. The police only have enough evidence (hard) to convict on 2. He is only sentenced on 2 (innocent until proven guilty). Another is there is no "cumulative effect" (for a better phrase). If you have a career criminal, their past does not come in to play when a criminal is sentenced. There is no "three strike" rule.
Children 17 and under are not prosecuted for criminal activity, they are placed in the custody of their parents or other responsible family members. Often, these "gangs" that are referred to earlier will entice a youngster as young as 6 years old with money, candy, etc to climb through a small window and open a door of a residence or apartment, etc.
To be honest, with 14,000 people on the island we DO HAVE A REALITIVELY LOW CRIME RATE. When you do hear about "crime" on Bonaire, it is usually in a cluster and when a "ring" is active. It is normal for even us living on Bonaire to not hear anything about a crime that is being worked, and then one day pick up the paper and see they have uncovered the ring at 4am in a house our kunuku (rural ranch farm).
I am an American Citizen and a resident of Bonaire. I have been a victim of crime on Bonaire in the past and STILL have faith in our police department, as I have seen other crimes solved, most get their items back, but it can take a while. Of course I don't expect to see the cash that was taken, but I do at some point, expect to see the computer. If you are a tourist, it is important to keep in touch with the police to see if they got anything back. I know of a case that a business was robbed during Regatta and a lot of liquor, beer and cigs were stolen. Can you believe it was recovered and returned 2.5 months later!!!!
If crime was as bad as some say it is (those that do not live here, mainly) I wouldn't be living here! All in all Bonaire IS a mini paradise, and I would not live anywhere else.