The owner of the shop even called me after learning from the shop manager/reg tech and realizing I had bought the regs from the shop and not on line. He assured me that he would try and make up for selling an inferior product and get me into something more reliable at a decent price.
I discussed with him the problem his shop had with HOG and he offered at least one small reason that some love their HOGs and maybe have seen no corrosion issues; perhaps these people primarily dive fresh water or since they are a newer brand many so called happy customers might not yet have had them serviced.
It was suggested by some posters to contact HOG or one of the online dive sites and send the regs off to get another opinion but I don't want to bother with that additional expense with an uncertain outcome. I think the fact that this shop no longer carries HOG is statement enough for me and if HOG has anything to say in their defence it might be to explain why this shop no longer carries their line. I also don't believe any shop in the Vancouver area carries HOGs.
For me, I am going to invest in something that will cost me more money but hopefully last more than two years. Its an age old lesson that I am forced to learn yet again.
Regardless of what you decide to do regulator wise I would run as fast as possible from this shop. He sold you something and then didn't stand by that product when you needed him to. He then went on to tell you to replace it at the very first sign of trouble. The only reason to use a brick and mortar shop for dive gear is the service and expertise. If you're going to get that kind of treatment from the shop you might as well go over to an online store for your replacement.
I own 0 hog products, so this is not coming from a fanboy.
FWIW, my 2 year old scubapro mk25 s600 has not been problem free. It had to be fixed for a problem I had during a dive. It also had to have some piece of the guts replaced during service. The shop didn't tell me my reg should go in the circular file, they fixed what needed fixin'.
If that's the only shop for 100 miles and you have to depend on them for fills, you might want to start looking for a local fire department or join a dive club that has a compressor... They obviously aren't doing you any favors on the gear front.