White Point Sun 11/23

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Had a good two dives today. cant believe we had about 30 foot viz. that was awesome and the Hot vents are very intersting..... The entry was something else.... I will post the photos latter on after i look at them all....... Nice Seeing every one again and seeing new faces. :)
Was nice to see everyone again! A few peeps I haven't seen in a while, felt like old times!We gotta keep this going.

Thanks everyone for a great couple of dives. Great vis, great times picking on Erika, what else do ya need :)

Nice to see a couple new faces today, welcome Sarah and Mike, great to meet you both and hope to see ya both again !
Well I got to dive White Pt. after all. When we got to Malaga it looked like chocolate milk so we headed down to WP & met up with the BC crowd. We had 2 great dives with good vis, I don't think it was quite 30 ft but that was going by Erika's measurements. :D It was nice to see everyone again maybe we can do Nicholas Cyn Sun.

Today was a very nice day of diving.Nice seeing familiar faces and also nice meeting new people:Michael,Michael& Sarah.I hope to see and dive with all of you again sometime soon. Jamie
Couple really great dives! Sorry we had to take off quickly after the second dive (Stephen was meeting someone at Vet's to work on some free diving at noon). It was nice meeting those I hadn't met before, and great hanging out and BS'ing with those I had met before. Can't wait to see your pics, Erika!

We'll be around all of Thanksgiving weekend, so if anyone's planning anything, let me know.
Hey Bryan, I had to drop off my bc to have my inflator hose replaced, if I get it back in time I'll do a dive on Friday.Where did you have in mind?

Anywhere, I have the whole day off. Maybe Laguna. If anyone else in interested let me know.
Hi Everyone

Just wanted to say thanks for a great dive day!! You all were super nice and I look foward to diving again soon! Thanks for the directions this morning Erica sorry it took me 3 phone calls to finally get it..lol :)

Wish I didnt have to work friday or Id totally be up for a Laguna Dive :(

Look foward to some pics Erica!!

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