This weekend while diving at Kettle Cove in Cape Elizabeth, Maine I came upon something I had never seen before. It was in about 10 feet of water at the outer boundary of the eel grass. There was a white cloud perhaps a foot or so long and half as high. When I looked closely it was coming from a small hole in the mud so I figure something was filter feeding or doing something. It all sounds normal enough but I never saw this before. The material being released was white like crushed shells and unlike the natural bottom mud. Can anyone shed any light.
I was diving with my wife but the water temperature wasn't conducive to any of the Tom-foolery suggested in UnderH2OView's earlier thread.
Also got up close with a little yellow lump fish, that was unusual!
I was diving with my wife but the water temperature wasn't conducive to any of the Tom-foolery suggested in UnderH2OView's earlier thread.

Also got up close with a little yellow lump fish, that was unusual!
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