White lies told by your LDS when you first started

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I was told the DIR thing was a FAD and only for the sheep minded fools. Then the instructor took a Cave 1 course and now claims it's the only way to go, and only fools dive the other way.

I'm still ROTFLMAO over that one.

Jimmy B
SeaJay, that's rich. And oh, so typical.

The funniest part of this is that I've noted a pattern here and elsewhere - both online and off. The biggest defenders of the dive-shop mentality (like robbing your friends for $40/head on boat trips) are those who either own them, work for them, teach for them, get free gas from them, or provide some essential service for them.

Everyone ELSE seems to get it in the posterior, in one way or another.

I'm sure you've heard the "you need us 'cause you can't buy your airfills over the net" screed before.

My answer to that one - the most famous of all - is now in my garage :)
i just have one thing to say, i have a great LDS about 40 min away. sure i bought my suunto cobra at LP but thats because i don't have a steady income, and saving 300 was a very big deal for me. as for my LDs when i brought my regs in to have the cobra attached with a QD there was no servis charge. we (my dad, and i) got our ow cert with them, and our instructor wasn't trying to unload all of the most expensive stuff on us. they were all very helpfull, and very smart about the stuff they were selling. just wanted to say that not all LDS are places where uneducated people try to unload the most expensive stuff, and try to get you to buy the most, i feel sorry for everyone who doesn't have a good LDS:( :(
My LDS told me that this was going to be my dive instructor:

They lied.
I got this one instead:

detroit diver once bubbled...
My LDS told me that this was going to be my dive instructor:

They lied.

Hey, I know her!

(Yeah, I wish...) :D

(That outta get Raven to come out of the woodwork on this one and join in this thread...) :D
if she was my instructor :)

Heh, now THERE is an ethical way to get more money from divers! =-)

(Of course you'd need the Chip-N-Dales for the ladies to get the same effect! :) )
ScoobieDooo once bubbled...

"No, you can't use that 7 ft long hose on your check out dives, we don't want to confuse everyone why you have one like that and they don't."

This is the one thing on your list that I kind of agree with. The instructor is trying to teach standard, open water skills as defined by whatever agency they are part of. Using a 7 foot hose as the primary is not part of that skill set. In an actual out of air emergency using the kind of rig I assume you have you and your buddy would share air differently than the standard method taught in the open water class. You would go to the Octo and your buddy would take the reg out of your mouth.

The LDS was right. Your long hose would have been confusing for your buddy.
raviepoo once bubbled...

This is the one thing on your list that I kind of agree with. The instructor is trying to teach standard, open water skills as defined by whatever agency they are part of. Using a 7 foot hose as the primary is not part of that skill set. In an actual out of air emergency using the kind of rig I assume you have you and your buddy would share air differently than the standard method taught in the open water class. You would go to the Octo and your buddy would take the reg out of your mouth.

The LDS was right. Your long hose would have been confusing for your buddy.

would you feel the same way if he had an air2? With and air 2, you also donate the primary.

I personally don't think there's anything wrong with having multiple setups. As long as they are explained to everyone involved.


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