SA Boy
nickjb once bubbled...
Check out the reviews at divernet. They are pretty thorough and unbiased.
We have similar conditions over here. Apeks regs are the most popular in the UK but they are much easier to buy and get serviced here.
Good point nickjb
As a journalist based in the UK (cars not scuba gear) I notice that US mags tend to sit on the fence and not make any definitive statements about which products are best.
This may be down to US libel laws or it may be down to advertisers exerting pressure on the editorial staff and publishers.
UK magazines such as (but not only) Diver and their associated website Divernet are much more likely to state an opinion. However magazines here are also sometimes swayed by advertiser's pressure.
If you're swayed by other people's opinions then by all means look around and ask for an opinion, but for my money you've got to take a reg out for a test dive.
When I drove cars and wrote about them for a living the only way to form an opinion was to take them out for a drive. If I could take different models, that are competing against each other, out back-to-back so much the better.
It seems to me that this is an important step in helping you to decide which reg suits you best - take them out and try them. If shops don't have demo models get in touch with local divers, see what they use and see if you can have a go.
When rated for cold water (if you plan to dive in cold water), well maintained and properly cared for I'm sure that any given reg from a good manufacturer is just as safe as any other manufacturer's product.
I use Dacor regs and have done for the last 18 years. They're not particularly popular here (in the UK) but I like them and they suit me. I've used my kit all over the world from warm waters like the Seychelles and Mauritius to Mozambique, South Africa and even an English quarry in January.
And, as has been so often stated on these message boards, BEWARE THE LOCAL DIVE SHOP/SCHOOL THAT PUSHES YOU TO BUY A PRODUCT THAT THEY SELL.