Which Key next week- Help for a California Cold Water diver

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At your request I have edited this post. Thanks. :palmtree: Bob
bob, do you mind editing post 21? i can't figure out what you're saying or what
text comes from where...
Hey there,
Hopefully the CA diver made out OK on choice of dives. On another note, I've got AOW and Nitrox certs and about 6-7 deep 100fsw plus dives in G. Cayman, about 35 dives plus total experience. I've also got some cold water, low vis experience. Even though I could probably get to the Grove I prefer to get in some dives with progressively stronger current conditions before I do a dive like that. Can anyone comment on the Duane or Bibb? Maybe those wrecks may be good at my level? I'm also planning to dive Looe Key and the Adolphus Busch, from what I understand that's a great beginner wreck. Any comments appreciated.
I am traveling on buisness Tuesday to Texas and was thinking of taking a side trip (flying) to Florida before returning home to California on Memorial Day. I wanted to go to one of the Keys to go diving-what is the weather like right now? Will I even get to dive or are the winds still kicking up? Also I wanted to know what Key would you recommend and what dive operator, resort based on the following information:

I am a fairly new diver with about 12 dives. Most of these dives were done off Catalina in cool water, think thick full wetsuit, hood, gloves, so I am nervous about diving with so little on

I am a single female traveling by myself so safety is an issue as well as dive buddy.

I have to be back to work on Tuesday and I have to travel via Houston on the company ticket.

If I can't dive I'll like some topside attractions.

Any help would be much appreciated

So, Puffer, where did you go, who did you dive with, and how was it? We need a trip report! :bogey:

Hope all went well and that the experience was worthwhile.

Best wishes and safe ascents,
Hey there,
Hopefully the CA diver made out OK on choice of dives. On another note, I've got AOW and Nitrox certs and about 6-7 deep 100fsw plus dives in G. Cayman, about 35 dives plus total experience. I've also got some cold water, low vis experience. Even though I could probably get to the Grove I prefer to get in some dives with progressively stronger current conditions before I do a dive like that. Can anyone comment on the Duane or Bibb? Maybe those wrecks may be good at my level? I'm also planning to dive Looe Key and the Adolphus Busch, from what I understand that's a great beginner wreck. Any comments appreciated.

I enjoy all of those wrecks, as well as the Eagle and the Thunderbolt, but I wouldn't call any of them a "great beginner wreck." The Gulf Stream generates the currents, and they can wander in on any of them at times. But then - you can't learn how to dive currents and waves in quarries, eh? I leanred by taking the AOW & Nitrox courses (which you're ahead of me on, with your Rescue), then paying attention to dive briefings. If there is a current and/or waves, and the briefing does not cover details on the current line, tag line, mooring line, exiting the water in waves, etc., be sure to ask for more info. Tell them that you are new to such diving, and need more information. You might even hire your own personal DM to go with you on one. :umnik:

Do wear gloves on any wreck dive, at least one light, at least one cutting tool for fishing line, a safety sausage, and a storm whistle in case you get blown down current. If you do, inflate your BC & sausage, and wait to be picked up.

So, Puffer, where did you go, who did you dive with, and how was it? We need a trip report! :bogey:

Hope all went well and that the experience was worthwhile.

Best wishes and safe ascents,

I fear we may have scared her off with the arguements. :devil:
Thanks Don,
I'll just have to "get my feet wet" :11:
And maybe my gear too!
Thanks Don,
I'll just have to "get my feet wet" :11:
And maybe my gear too!

BTW, I don't think many operators will take you to the Bibb. It's deeper than the Duane, and on its side. Has a reputation of being more dangerous - more likely to OxTox, more likely to Narcosis out, too likely to get confused by the on-sdie setting and get trapped by an overhead. Did it in March with Taverneir Dive Center, on 28% Nx I think it was, and there was a problem with the mooring buoys. Think we did live jumps and exits.

But the T-Bolt is a really nice dive. Put it on your list... :wink:
Hi Don,

Amoray will take you out to the Bibb on their six-pack boat if requested and agreed by the divers on it. We did it this past weekend and it was a great dive, no current and 150' vis. and the depth is 130' to the sand. I knew narcosis was a possibility and while descending on 21% and I was waiting to to see if I would start feeling it a bit but I was able to go down to 115' without any signs.
We were also informed on the way out about the high number of fatalities on this wreck compare to the others surrounding it. It did sound like most of the cases though were caused by diver ignorance more than anything else. They were either doing deep penetrations without the proper equipment or were not trained and got lost when they forgot the ship was on it's side lost their orientation and could not find their way out.

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