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i just bought Atomic Split fins, and I loooooove them! Nothing better!:D :D :D

Originally posted by MNScuba

I have them and I do the frog kick, dolphin kick and standard kick just fine. Not sure where you got your info.

I own the Apollo's and I own an old pair of SP Jet fins with spring heel straps and here's my two cents:

Frog kick: very effective with the jet's much less effective with the apollo's. You just do not go as far when you do it with the apollo's. You can still do the kick you just won't get nearly as far with it compared to using it with the Jet fins.

The same can be said for the dolphin kick.

Now as far as the standard hip scuba kick goes (or the flutter, with shorter strokes for the apollo's) the apollo is the hands down winner.

So the conclusion? Well it all depends on the type of diving you are doing. If you're in a cave with lots of silt and you need to travel at a good clip and use different kicking styles then the Jet's are really the only way to go, the apollo's would be very foolish in this situation. Check out DiveRite's web page Lamar Hires just did a big test of some split fins vs. paddle fins in a cave environment.

Now for reef diving where there's not much silt and you're basically going slow and enjoying the view and mostly just fluttering around then the apollo's are it. You get all that movement with no effort at all. You feel like you could swim for days with the apollo's on. They're what I'll be using in the Bahama's in August when I go. Not my Jet's. I'll save those for the caves and wrecks.

atomic spilt fins are great they were just in rodales (the silver ones) they are great !!!!! they had to make them a different color so rodales would report on them, they are the same as all the other colors:)
split, no heel. Of course Twin Jets by Scubapro.

Rich :mean:
the big difference of the split fin over none spit is stress on the legs. I have talked to alot of people who have used the un-split fin who said they were getting cramps in the legs and when they switched it stopped the cramps. Prior to my Twin Jets, I had the Jet fins and still use them off and on. I like them both but will stick with the Twin Jets :D

Rich :mean:
Been an instructor for 25 years know so have owned and seen a lot of fins in that time. Heres my 2p's worth

My favourites up until this year have been the US divers jet fins (the predecessors to the Scubapro versions, they were slightly shorter and heavier). they are great for UK cave diving. I have 6 pairs

Also used Mares Avanti's in strong currents. Very powerful, but tiring and very long so hard to use in wrecks

Have recently been converted to Force Fins (Pro) with the bungy strap. Very easy to fin with, powerful, can frog and flutter. Bonus is they are VERY easy to don and doff, and you can walk easily in them. great in the RIB or crowded hard boat. Wont be going back to normal fins ever again. As you may guess I like these a lot

As far as split fins go they are rubbish in UK waters. They may suit nice calm caribbean and Red Sea dives in calm water and minimal kit, but they cant cope with heavy twinsets, drysuits, stage cylinders and stong currents. I see a lot of newbies suckered into buying them (shops profit margin is high) and then binning them for something more suitable. Avoid plastic or quick release buckles like the plague, I see a broken one almost every dive day. The light grey Scubapro ones seem to be the worst of the bunch and produce no thrust at all if there is any kit drag (they do work well with minimal kit). The Mares ones break buckles just by looking at them

But fins are a very subjective issue. Everyones diving conditions and style are different and different fins suit different people. The best advice is to try as many different styles, lengths etc, until you find a pair that suit you. Make sure you add a Force fin to that tryout list though
I've been using them for a year, and they've performed great in everything from the Carribean to cold water wrecks. Also, the quick release buckels make for easy on/off, and have so far taken a beating with no problems.
I dont like split fins

As far as heel or open, it depends on the diving. For freediving I usually prefer full foot fins unless I am spearfishing in cold water or rocks and would be more comfortable in a heavy boot.

My Apollo splitfins suit my chicken legs perfectly. No more sore legs and ankles.

One question though, what are bungee and spring straps?

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