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Went with the same group of ow students and their instructors.
We went to 'Ransvik', a site that I havent been to in a while so I was quite exited aswell.

Did 2 dives, was taking photos on the second one, poor vis but hey, atleast it was cooler down there than on dry land...Geez, I thought that I was going to pass out when I put my drysuit on.
Just got back from 3 days in Key Largo. Mike's Wreck, City of Washington, French Reef, and Benwood X 3 (one at night).
Enjoyed my first dive at Humber Bay Park today.

41 minutes
40 ft max
45 degrees
7mm wet = Cold after 41 minutes :D (in 45 degree water that is)
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Fort Witherell, RI
Viz ranged from 5 feet to 10 feet.
Saw some fish and invertebrates. One fiesty juvie lobster followed me for a while. What's up with that!
Tried some new gear with mixed results.
66 degrees.. 20 feet max
Awesome day in New England. Horrid traffic on part of the way down and back.
Glad to get wet.
We dove the John Morgan today 30 mi. east of Virginia Beach. 5ft vis to 70ft then about 20ft on the wreck itself.

K8, my GF freaked out/panicked somewhat on her very first dive in dark, cold, murky water. She overcame her fears and completed the dive after running the wreckline twice. She could not wait to get out of the water......

2 week and were in Hatteras for 3 days of warm, blue diving.
I dove at Gilboa Quarry, where we were just a few divers shy of breaking the Guinness World Record for the most divers submerged at once.
I spent this weekend getting my advanced open water taken care of. 5 dives, and all were a blast! It was also a great time to get to know my new gear.

All in Hawaii Kai, HI.

1. Baby Barge, (max 70'), awesome wreck with sharks and turtles
2. Anglers, a great drift dive, (max 40')
3. Koko's for navigation, (max 40')
4. Corsair, (max 110'), a wrecked WWII jet. Many-a-octopus
5. Turtles, (max 40'), A LOT of beautiful coral and fish.

I had a blast and am now officially advanced and exhausted!

XCEL Vortex wetsuit
Hollis HD100 BCD
ScubaPro MK25/S600
ScubaPro jetfins and boots
Mantis mask
A great two days of diving in Tobermory, Ontario. The weather on Monday was sunny and beautiful, and the waters of Georgian Bay were as flat as a pancake. No current at all on the Arabia, not at depth or on the surface. Not seen conditions like that before. And you could see almost down to the 60 ft mark on the rock wall where the Forest City lies.

I've done a lot of diving in Tobermory, but had not done the Minch or Wetmore wrecks. The Minch is pretty broken up in shallow water, but the above water scenery of Cove Island and North Otter Island was nice. The Wetmore has a lot to see in shallow water, huge boilers, the prop, lots of decking, an anchor and huge pile of anchor chain, square nails, coal for the boiler, hanging knees to support the deck. Some of the timbers are huge, from a time when trees were huge, too. The Wetmore sunk in 1901. Somebody elses' pictures here: http://www.diversden.ca/ds_wetmore_gallery.html

Forest City, 25 min, 126 ft, 39 F degrees
Arabia, 24 min, 106 ft, 42 degrees
Minch, 31 min, 36 ft, 51 degrees
Wetmore, 30 min, 21 ft, 53 degrees
Forest City, 24 min, 145 ft, 43 degrees
Arabia, 21 min, 109 ft, 40 degrees

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