Where did you dive today?

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Today I dove Basic and Advanced Scuba Discussions.
Today I did to inmersions in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, in Mexico´s Pacific Coast. We first dove El Chato, to about 60', and then El Zacate, to about 45'. Lots of surge and chopy seas, rays, nudibranches, octopi, schools of puffers, quite nice.

I was paired with the DM, 'Bebé', a cool guy from Ixtapa Aqua Adventures, and we had a couple from San Diego on the boat too, plus Luis manning the camera. BTW, Luis' setup was DIR, first time I saw one (that I remember). It seemed very compact compared to mine.

Here's a pic.

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Out again today, 2 dives in Ixtapa. The dive group today consisted in 2 kids, two teenagers and an adult, all from Guatemala, yours truly and 2 instructors. One of the kids was doing his cert dives, so we had a group of 6 doing the dives together.

First we went to El Zacate, which I had dove on Tuesday. Less surge and less visibility, but I used for the first time a new Tusa Platinum mask, since the old Tusa Imprex gave me hell before... what a difference! Pure comfort, I really enjoyed myself and didn't have clear once in the 45 minute, 50' immersion.

The second dive of the day was La Caleta... vis was terrible and surge was heavy; we spent all dive getting lost and having to surface... I believe I was the most experienced diver in the group, which isn't much, and there was no way of getting in working pairs. The non-certifying kid had trouble equalizing and eventually aborted, I got the reg kicked out of my mouth and the surge had us bouncing all around the rocks, with the resulting cuts and bruised... after 40 minutes of ups and downs I called the dive and we surfaced for the last time.

My instabuddies had a glum face on the trip back, but hey, I learned a lot and found a mask I'm comfortable with. Plus, I had the chance to practice the essential skill of removing my wetsuit in the water :D
Just one dive for today. :depressed:

We had planned to break the two hour limit today. So we had our tanks filled at 300bar's shop to get a really good fill (230 bar/3336 psi). Unfortunately, while gearing up, El Zee's first stage malfunctioned resulting in a rather pedestrian fill by the time everything was fixed again.

Of course, not bringing enough lead doesn't help either. The problem isn't that big when you've got a full tank but when your gas supply dwindles tour problem increases... :blush:


[table 0 0 3]#|Location|Duration|Depth|Temp
431|Gemaal van Dreischor|72 Minutes|11M/36Ft|19C/66F[/table]
So, where did you dive today? :)
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This weekend we were scheduled to dive two deep wrecks off Picton, Ontario, which I have been drooling over for several years. They are in 160-170 ft of cold Lake Ontario water. Well, I will just have to keep drooling as the weather did not co-operate on Saturday or Sunday. However there was much dive discussion and comparison of various deco planner schedules, Gap vs. V-planner, etc. and two games of Risk which are so necessary to diver education.

Someone elses' photos here :)
Lake Ontario Shipwrecks - Picton 2 Masted Schooner
Did the weekly Wednesday night dive in Bainbridge, PA:

Maximum Depth: 94ffw
Duration: 51 minutes
Coldest temp: 41 degrees f

Working out the kinks of my dry suit dive by dive!
On the 5th while I was in New Smyrna I went out with Sea Dogs to video some of the local sites. Sea Dogs currently uses a 31' Morgan center console for the charters, this is a down-size from their old 40' Newton. They run the Morgan as a 6-Pack giving everyone plenty of room. Figure on the day I went we had 8 divers including crew and customers and still had plenty of space. Given the size of the boat entries are made by rolling off the side.

The first site was the Liberty Ship Mindanao. Located about 10.5 miles out of the Ponce Inlet. The ship is 446' long, ~60' wide and located in about 80 - 85'. The vis was great 60'+ from the surface to about 43' where we encountered a thermocline which dropped the temp from 80 to 71 and the vis down to around 8 feet. Great site with lots of life. The last time I was there (2 years ago) the vis was about the same.

The second site is called "Pinnacle Culverts" and is located about 17 miles from Ponce Inlet. The culverts were dumped in 5 piles coming ~25' off the 86' bottom. The vis and temp were about the same even though we were further out. At this site I saw grouper, cobia, lion fish, spades, angels, damsels, etc.
Went back to homegrounds today, the site where I did my very first open water dives. Tussan in Arild, Sweden.

I had the task of beeing the photographer on a OW course, Very calm two dives, besides when students gets a little too bouyant and draging them down but hey.
Did a nice dive in a local lake this evening to see a 150 yr old indian dugout at depth where the water is cold and dark. Preserved beautifiully and can see clearly where rock tools where used to carve out the canoe

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