Where did you dive today?

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Went to Ginnie Springs this weekend, it was too crowded and we couldn't dive :( I was on a limited time schedule and couldn't make it to another spring before having to be in Gainesville to move my buddy in for grad school. I didn't know it got packed like that, but live and learn, and I will call them next time before driving out there.

Any suggestions for next time? I have a rental credit at Water World in Gainesville.
Me and 10 other divers went north on the west coast to do some boat-diving.
Me and my buddy did a dive in 'Ormestad' on the way up, sadly enough we took the 'wrong' course and didnt meet the wall until we reached 33 meters depth...And at that depth on air we didnt have that much bottomtime left so we just hanged out by the wall (bottom is at 80m).

We arrived in Grebbestad (our place to stay during the weekend) on friday afternoon and just chilled and got exited about going out by boat the next day.

Saturdays weather wasnt that good, winds were quite strong so we couldnt go out to the 'weather islands', But diving was great anyhow!

Sundays weather on the other hand were perfect, weather islands, here we come! Top class diving, great vis and lots of maritime life!

Great weekend!
Circumnavigated the quarry at Bainbridge, PA in 3mm's at an average depth of 15 ffw:

Deepest depth: 23 ffw

Duration: 78 minutes

Coldest temp: 75 degrees f! (below the thermocline at around 21 feet it's around 65-ish)
Two dives at a new fresh water site in the North...

[table 0 0 3]#|Location|Duration|Depth|Temp
433|Veenmeer|59 Minutes|6M/20Ft|20C/66F
434|Veenmeer|58 Minutes|4M/13Ft|20C/66F[/table]
So, where did you dive today? :)
Skipped the dive and went out fishing for salmon in the Pacific on a friend's boat. Caught limit of coho salmons both days, and a bunch of dungeness crabs as well. As we were coming in, however, I wistfully looked over at the divers at the South Jetty (South Beach, Oregon). Fishing is fun, but to be "down there" is the best!!!
I dove the quarry at Dutch Springs in Allentown PA on both days this past weekend.

Max depth: 85' to the truck and trolley. Viz was poor due to all the rain and dive activity - about 10 to 15' on the trolley.

On a Saturday dive I finally got to see the chopper. That thing is huge. That dive was also good for practicing navigation.

Oh, and I learned an important bit of information about my truck: the electronic door opener on my keys still works after half an hour at 58'. Every dive is a learning experience!
I dove both days this past weekend at Dutch Springs in PA. Day 1 was gorgeous and even saw some fish! Day 2 rained most of the day but dried up in time to pack our gear. Its not the most beautiful scenery but still can't wait to go back. Nice departure from NYC grind. :cool2:
All dives took place Saturday August 1st

1. Tobermory (The Anchor) - 82 minutes, 66 feet, 61 degrees
2. Wiarton (Cedar Hill) - 71 minutes, 57 feet, 55 degrees
3. Wiarton (Cedar Hill) 38 minutes, 30 feet, 55 degrees
Hey, Scubasteve, it was 70 F degrees in Brockville this weekend :)
I actually dived in a 5 ml wetsuit.

Spent the August long weekend holiday diving:

The Lilly Parson's wall (big current drift dive along the St. Lawrence, 106 ft, 28 min)

The Daryaw wreck (did as a drift-off dive, and found a wall I didn't know was there, cool, 90 ft, 31 min)

Two dives on the Keystorm wreck (it's on the New York side of the St Lawrence River by about 200 meters, which in these times means you go and check in at US customs and immigration on Heart Island, waiting on the dive boat till you are allowed to get off and show your passport; then go dive; then when returning to the Canadian side, wait in your dive boat till the Canadian border patrol comes and checks your passport; 108 ft, 27 min and 114 ft, 33 min)

Rockport wall drift dive. (My buddy found a nice green glass vase, I found an aluminum boat gas tank about 6 ft long, lots of catfish guarding their eggs in the rock crevices; 151 ft, 36 min)

Kingshorn wreck, Rockport 93 ft, 42 min

A great weekend of diving and great group of divers.

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