when will Apeks XTX series receive a 1st stage 'auto-closure'device' ?

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....since Aqualung now owns Apeks, and Aqualung incorporates and "ACD" ( auto closure device ) in some of their 1st-stages:

1) how long before this technology appears in the Apeks line-up ?

2) can this technology be retrofitted to, say, a 2006 XTX 200 ?


Cant see why anyone would want it, just something that could fail under water and block off your air supply. You still need to fit the cap onto a DIN reg to protect the threads so no time saved there either.

As to Apeks introducing it to their regs, I think its very unlikley. Apeks have a good reputation with the tec diving community and I cant see ACD being a popular device among those divers.
All my regs have an auto closure device. After I take my reg off my tank, I automatically put the DIN cap on it. Nice and easy. :wink:

.... I kinda expected to receive some 'clever' answers, I'll briefly respond to this one while awaiting 'serious' responses.

....regs in rental fleets will benefit from ACD technology, for obvious reasons, moreover, I've had 1st-stage inlet filters damaged/corroded by blown/dripped in seawater by over anxious boat crews filling my tanks with less than optimum care......so for those times when my gear isn't 100 % under my control, or when I've loaned out a reg to assist a fellow diver, I feel an ACD device is useful technology.

Hopefully never. But you know how the scuba industry is "If you cant make it bettter make it different"
Agree with scubafanatic,
seem logical..
AquaLung's ACD is more mechanical than any other (like Oceanic DVT), doesn't seem to block off air supply unless it unscrews and loosens (loosening with or without ACD does not matter and air will blocked off sure).
If you wish have a look www.aqualung.com/products/acd_youtube.html
Typically, when water enters the first stage it is due to the inattentive compressor operator. DVT and ACD cannot prevent that, the ingress of water from wet threads or wet valve orifice injected under pressure. Moreover, if a wet cap is placed on the inlet, same thing. When the reg is hooked up, compressed air will blow the water into the reg mechanicals. I am suspicious of a plug inserted into the airway, however designed.
....since Aqualung now owns Apeks, and Aqualung incorporates and "ACD" ( auto closure device ) in some of their 1st-stages:

1) how long before this technology appears in the Apeks line-up ?

Hopefully, never. It would turn off quite a few die hard Apeks fans.

....regs in rental fleets will benefit from ACD technology

How often do you see Apeks regs in a rental fleet?

I own the Legend LX supreme yolk version ACD and decided to change out to the DIN... After talking to the tech at my LDS he pulled out the schematics on both versions of the DIN one with the ACD and one without.

The price is about $60 bucks more for the ACD... He pointed out that within the DIN version of ACD there are two additional O-rings, that places you with a total of 3 O-rings, there could be a failure waiting to happen.

With the regular DIN without ACD it's one simple O-ring that get driven all the way back to your HP tank, one failure point.

I was sold on that since I want to get the XTX 200 Apeks as my primary reg when I go doubles. If the Brits rely on Apeks without the ACD, then you have my vote.

I take home my reg dry even when it was ACD yolk and then I clean it while attached to my HP tank, I hose it down with pressure from my garden hose to remove all containminants.

If it works why fix it? Dozens of divers dive Tech without ACD and there is no complaints of them wanting to have ACD.

If you like ACD just go with it, if you think tech, you might think again...

I figure Apeks will release an ACD version of their regs any day now. After all, they think divers may need a gizmo in the 1st stage to tell them interesting stuff like, "it's time for a service".

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