DD and the Cold-hearted Gang,
The following are definitions that seem reasonable to me:
Ice--what I use to cool drinks
Warm water--what I use to wash my hands, not to pour into my wet suit
Dry Suit--what I used to wear to work--preferably tailored by Burberry's
Freezing point--water below 70 deg F
Scuba diving--a warm, pleasant experience
Joewr...still recruiting for the CANDY A_S DIVERS SECTION
The following are definitions that seem reasonable to me:
Ice--what I use to cool drinks
Warm water--what I use to wash my hands, not to pour into my wet suit
Dry Suit--what I used to wear to work--preferably tailored by Burberry's
Freezing point--water below 70 deg F
Scuba diving--a warm, pleasant experience
Joewr...still recruiting for the CANDY A_S DIVERS SECTION