What's your view of Technical Diving

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I don't really see the logic in this.
I dive a lot in bad conditions and if the boat is pounding up and down 3m+, trying to get out of the water fully equipped is just pointless risk taking - much easier to pass to somebody on the platform as it goes whizzing up.
Also the risk of tribonucleation becomes much higher.
Not possible,
In general our boats DO NOT HAVE platforms (or if they do they really arent that useful).. you grab the ladder and get you but up it..

Some of our boats have really BIG ladders.. I dont use the seeker but its ladder goes over the transom so at the top you are about 5 ft above the water!
this is pretty typical


Once you get use to walking up a ladder its pretty easy...
an normal day here is 3-4ft seas (although we do get days when the water is flat) we normally dive up to about 5-6ft seas (as long as the period of waves is reasonable), but I have exited the water with over 10ft seas - This was not fun!
First off, I usually refer to it as Extended Range Diving rather than Tech Diving. Extended in either time (requiring deco) or depth past recreational limits. As well as diving any overhead environment, may that be virtual (the beforementioned deco) or real (wrecks and caves).

There are plenty of women who do that sort of diving, and several who are quite well known for it. If you look hard enough you'll also find plenty of female instructors who teach that sort of diving. Many of them seem to prefer to keep a lower profile in public than their male counterparts, but they are there. Just have a look at NACD's or CDS' instructor base.

Look at some of the big explorations like Wakulla II and you'll see women being part of the crews and dive teams. Generally outnumbered by men, but they're there right among them.

Looking around my friends and usual dive buddies, there isn't much difference, really. None of them have intrest in doing extended ranges or overhead diving. Reasons are also the same: too much stuff to haul around, too much too plan, too high a risk, too expensive, and no good reason to do it in the first place.

With the latter I mean they all dive to see the wild life, and there is plenty (if not more) at a 100' than at 200' or 300'. They all love to dive (to) a shallow wreck, but have no inclination whatsoever to penetrate it. The idea of 1/2 an hour deco isn't appealing, nor is the black whole that marks the entrance to cave. Even those who took guided dives in cenotes and came back wide eyed and smiling have yet to show any intrest in getting a cave ticket.

Their reason for diving is perfectly available at 60', 100', so why bother.
The comparrison to skiing was a good one. Not everyone wants to take a chopper ride to a virgin mountain top, the majority of people are just as happy on the slopes.

The gear issue is a major one too, I believe, and one that may be the reason why more men than women pursue extended ranges: a lot of gear to buy, to clean and maintain, to learn to use and use, to haul around. When it comes to buying and fiddling with gear, male behaviour can reach extreme and worrysome levels. :D

One woman's Manolo Blanik is the next guy's Halcyon. :wink:
[. When it comes to buying and fiddling with gear, male behaviour can reach extreme and worrysome levels.)[/QUOTE]

Its a sickness really.
The gear issue is a major one too, I believe, and one that may be the reason why more men than women pursue extended ranges: a lot of gear to buy, to clean and maintain, to learn to use and use, to haul around. When it comes to buying and fiddling with gear, male behaviour can reach extreme and worrysome levels. :D

Male behaviour? Here I go acting like a guy again.... I bought my truck with diving in mind. So I could haul my gear... I wouldn't let anybody else set up my doubles when I got the first set because I wanted to know how to do it (yes I own more than one and will buy more when I get moved). On the boat a DM had best not touch my gear... I fiddle and mess with it like the best of them.

One woman's Manolo Blanik is the next guy's Halcyon. :wink:

Ok -- I have to ask -- wtf is Manolo Blanik!?!?!?!? And not there is no smilie here -- because I honestly have NO clue what you are talking about...

Ok -- I have to ask -- wtf is Manolo Blanik!?!?!?!? And not there is no smilie here -- because I honestly have NO clue what you are talking about...

Manolo Blahnik - it was misspelled - I had no idea either, but Googled it, and apparently it's a line of fancy shoes and/or clothes & accessories.
Rick Murchison:
Manolo Blahnik - it was misspelled - I had no idea either, but Googled it, and apparently it's a line of fancy shoes and/or clothes & accessories.
Ohhhhhh...thems be fightin words :D
Rick Murchison:
Manolo Blahnik - it was misspelled - I had no idea either, but Googled it, and apparently it's a line of fancy shoes and/or clothes & accessories.

Thanks Rick -- I ended up doing the same thing! Gotta love googles -- "DId you mean..." function! (-;

Who needs that crap??? (-;

Who needs that crap??? (-;

Shhh!!! Don't let Heather hear you! She's still in negotiations with them, trying to get them to reinforce the stilletto heals so she can wear them whilst hauling her doubles around.

I believe the answer has something to do with quality; and if you have a shoe that lasts 1 year, vs a shoe that last a lifetime, it's well worth 10x the price... or maybe that's the purse reasoning. Ehh.. I don't remember which.

It all looks good, it makes her happy, so I don't question it.
Shhh!!! Don't let Heather hear you! She's still in negotiations with them, trying to get them to reinforce the stilletto heals so she can wear them whilst hauling her doubles around.

I believe the answer has something to do with quality; and if you have a shoe that lasts 1 year, vs a shoe that last a lifetime, it's well worth 10x the price... or maybe that's the purse reasoning. Ehh.. I don't remember which.

Last I heard you were hauling them around these days -- or was it just the scooters??? :D

It all looks good, it makes her happy, so I don't question it.

Heh - as it should be!!!

Rick Murchison:
Manolo Blahnik - apparently it's a line of fancy shoes and/or clothes & accessories.
So now it's that? I didn't know, was too occupied deciding on the new wing. So it's not Luis Vitton any longer? This guy at least had a name easy to remember - after all close to vitton o-rings - O2 clean ones:D

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