what's the right thing to do?

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Reaction score
Park Ridge NJ
# of dives
500 - 999
Hi everybody,

Here's the situation:
I was on a dive boat, which had approximately 20 people on it, (a few couples, a few single divers, and a couple of small groups.)
While doing the usual "time killing on the way to the dive site", it became apparent that one young lady had a " wardrobe malfunction" with the bottom of her two-piece bathing suit. At the risk of being indelicate, but for clarification purposes, one "cheek" was completely uncovered.

The young lady in question, was walking, standing, bending, checking gear, etc., oblivious to the situation.
{In rereading that last sentence, it might sound as if I was staring or gawking. I wasn't, but this did take place in the shaded area of the boat, which was not tremendously large.}

My question : What's the most, polite, proper, mannerly, acceptable, etc. thing to do in that situation:
Say something to her?-if so how?

Get another female to tell her? (had I known any on the boat I'd have probably done that)

Ignore it - i'm being old fashioned?

or ???
Help,and thanks,
Simply say, "You might be getting more sun than you intend to" and gesture vaguely in the area of the issue. I've found that mild humor is almost always accepted in this situation as a "non-leer", but, then again, it depends on the person. Hey, you know your intentions, if they take it wrong, make an apology and move on. At least you tried to do the right thing...
My question : What's the most, polite, proper, mannerly, acceptable, etc. thing to do in that situation:
Say something to her?-if so how?
Well I guess that would depend on whether you wanted it to be covered up or not ;).

Seriously though, the lightness is a good idea, but I'd be descrete about it. People appreciate avoided embarasment... Just treat it the same way you would an open fly....
The young lady in question was oblivious to the situation.

Most young ladies don't need to hang a cheek out to troll for hosers on dive boats.

I agree with gj and James. Most women are imminently practical. If she were a guy you'd walk up and quietly say "Dude, you're unzipped." Treat her the same. Humor would work better, no doubt.
Reminds me of a great joke about a lady with a sun dress on in a movie theatre and a guy with a black eye! :censored: pm me and I'll tell you!
C'mon ladies...how 'bout some imput???
Doc Intrepid:
Most young ladies don't need to hang a cheek out to troll for hosers on dive boats.

I agree with gj and James. Most women are imminently practical. If she were a guy you'd walk up and quietly say "Dude, you're unzipped." Treat her the same. Humor would work better, no doubt.

yeah... how would YOU like someone to handle this
situation, if it was you in the possibly embarrasing positon?

i would want someone to tell me quickly, with a minimum of
fuss, and light-heartedly, so i could fix the problem.

i would have gone up to her, said, "hi, i hate to bug you,
but i think your bikini bottom may be off center. thought
you'd want to know," and leave it at that, politely, with a smile.

and then DON"T BRING IT UP AGAIN. it's in the past.

that's what i would want.
It has happened to me that when peeling down my wetsuit the top of my swimsuit went down too....not too far mind you. The captain caught it and said at the top of his lungs "Strip show!"....I can say that that was one of the most embarrassing moments.....do it quietly, in a nice and bit funny way. I'm sure it would be appreciated. If it's your buddy having the problem you can try it with hand signals. My buddy has hand signals for many situations...the one for snot nose is my favorite....lol
The captain caught it and said at the top of his lungs "Strip show!"....I can say that that was one of the most embarrassing moments.....

omg, what a jerk... i hope you gave him hell for it!

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