Whats the dumbest thing you've done?

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I guess the dumbest thing I did was believed someone else when I tried on a drysuit and the neck seal was a slightly loose, they told me just not to move my neck around too much. This was only my second time in a drysuit but I knew it should be tight but I went ahead and did the dive. After about 10 mins I could not get my feet streamlined. Never even occured to me that I had water in the suit since I was still nice and warm. After pulling myself to the surface. My first step out the light bulb lit up. I had water coming out of the pee valve. The pictures were pretty funny.
Other than waiting until the second half of my century to get certified I haven't had time to be truly stupid in SCUBA yet...but have patience, I can see myself in many of the incidents posted here!
The dumbest thing pre SCUBA thing that I have done in the water was when I was but a lad...I went for a swim off of a boat in the middle of the Danvers River (that was stupid enough, ugh) while at least 2 sheets to the wind...I don't care what the chemists say, alcohol is much heavier than water...doh!
The dumbest thing I've ever done in the water was to wait until I was 44 to strap on my first scuba tank.
Hard to pick...

Training dive. Buddy signals OOA (it's one of our drills). I give him mine, and put my other mouthpiece in. You know, the one on my snorkel...

Another training dive. I'm at 15 feet. I'm ready to try my first SMB release!
....Note to self: Next time don't let the line off the reel and get it tangled around your finger, then put the air in the SMB.....
deep breath............ here goes.............

Waiting till age 45 to get certified
Rolling off the boat with no fins
Putting regulator in upside down while very new and wondering why i was getting a bit of water in my mouth during the dive.
Falling into the boat
Forgetting my second tank, leaving it at the dock. luckily it was still sitting there waiting for me after returning when dive day was done.
Getting a hood stuck on my head so bad I had to have help getting if off, while my buddy laughed. Glad I am the regular photographer in our group, therefore there are not photos :D
I also had computer set to 100% once, as a new diver, which caused the thing to do it's freak out for that day's two dives, which of course caused me so much anxiety I didn't enjoy the dives.
Went into a brief deco dive in order to get a shot of the first frogfish i had ever saw. computer locked me out for 24 hours. So I dove the next day with another computer. :no:

and the ultimate stupid thing.....
Worse thing though was on my last dive for advance (same day forgot the tank onshore), my anxiety level was up, (as Murphy's law had already kicked in that day) i went in with a steal 80 borrowed from someone who skipped his first dive, along with several other new items, in addition to the added weight of the steel tank (I normally dive AL63), and at that time I only had about 16 dives. I went down the anchor line and for some reason my anxiety won over as when i saw the rope change to chain I freaked. I learned quickly #1 your body feels scuba is unnatural there for when panic begins to set in the first thing you mind tells you is to spit out reg and breath! not good at 100 feet. Luckily, I did keep calm enough to keep reg in mouth, and signal to my buddy I was headed up. Problem was that I was going up and i meant he was going with me. He managed to slow my ascent somewhat but the entire "dive" was 4 minutes according to my computer and deepest dept was 100 feet. I worried for a long time afterward before going diving again, wondering if I could handle it. Lesson #2 if your new, don't more than one or two new items, or skills at a time.
Shot an SMB from 150ft...
I actually CUT (with a knife) the cord of my can light during a lights out lost line drill in a cave class, subsequently flooding the cannister, battery, and lighthead. D'oh! Moral of the story is to clip that thing off if you aren't using it!
Well I'm gonna sound really stupid because I've made the same mistake 4 times, you'd think I'd learn. On 4 separate occasions I've started to descend and as soon as a gulp of water enters my mouth I realized I never put my regulator in my mouth and was descending using my snorkel. The first two times I did it as a very new diver and thought for sure I was going to drown and frantically kicked up to the surface. The last two times I did it I calmly thought "you idiot", found my reg, spit out my snorkel and put the reg in mouth without even slowing my descent. So I figured I was still very stupid but becoming much more calm when I made mistakes. At least I haven't done it again in my last 100+ dives, maybe I've finally learned better.
I actually CUT (with a knife) the cord of my can light during a lights out lost line drill in a cave class, subsequently flooding the cannister, battery, and lighthead. D'oh! Moral of the story is to clip that thing off if you aren't using it!

Wow. That really, really sucks!
The funniest dumbest things I've ever done underwater involved tubes.

The first thing was forget that sound carries out a snorkel tube and across the water quite well. As a lifeguard, I was setting up for a regatta and working with lines while wearing snorkeling gear. When I tried to bring the ends of two lines attached to opposite buoys together, they wouldn't reach. Frustrated, I yelled, "****, ****, ****, mother-****ing ****, the ****ing lines are too mother-****ing short!" into the tube.

Upon returning to the beach, a frequent beach-goer remarked, "Trace, such language!"

I was stunned. "You heard that?" I asked.

He replied, "I don't think anyone didn't hear that."

I promptly apologized to everyone.

The second dumbest thing I did involved the premature ejection of applesauce from my food tube. That's all I have to say about that!

The dumbest things I've ever done regarding safety involved solo diving. Making deep solo freedives between 150 and 200 feet with no spotter while living on Cayman Brac was really stupid, as was apnea pool training in my backyard pool without a spotter. But, I was young and bullet-proof at the time. Next to that, I made some solo cave dives in backmount without a buddy bottle.

Lessons learned:
1) Be professional at all times, even underwater when working in diving or aquatics.
2) Toothpaste can be dispensed a couple of ways in the bathroom. Applesauce underwater - not so much.
3) God is with fools and freedivers.
4) God is with fools and cave divers.
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