Question What’s _your_ preferred way to mark jumps/gaps and why? Have you changed it as you dived more?

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How do you mark jumps and gaps? What have you been taught, what are you using right now and why? Have you changed what you do based on a specific incident? Is your approach specific to your local diving conditions?

I’m not looking for the “best” way but want stories and opinions 🔥🔥🔥 .

Few things I’ve seen:

T’s: The protocol for T’s seems to be fairly aligned - drop either individual or team non-directional marker (cookie, clothing peg, REM, 3D-printed dildo,..) to indicate exit side.

Gaps: Some just run a spool to connect the lines and use no other marking as there is no navigation decision and you should recognise your or your team’s spool. Others might place a marker on the gap line close to the spool for comfort or consistency. There might be people who would even place a REM and tie into it to avoid tying the temporary gap line into a permanent arrow on the line.

Jumps (assuming a simple jump from a mainline to a side passage to keep it easy): Some may place an individual or team non-directional marker on the exit side of the main line, then tie into an existing arrow if there is one (or place their own) but place no other marker on the connection to the side passage line. The theory being you should recognise your own jump spool and double ender indicates direction, so there is no need for further markers.

Others might always place a REM on the main line, and then place non-directional marker also close to the jump spool - as it now creates a temporary T with the side passage line, and recognising your own spool might be difficult in zero visibility.

You can obviously come up with few more permutations, these are just examples.

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