Ken Kurtis
I've got to point out that I think (PERSONAL OPINION BASED ON EXPERIENCE - I'M NOT A LAWYER BUT I'VE PLAYED ONE ON TV) that this is one of the great myths of diving and talking/posting about accidents, that if you say something, you're suddenly going to be dragged into a case and maybe even named as a defendant and it'll cost you a lot of money so be quiet.Be careful how you say things [because it may have] legal implications have already been mentioned.
For those who don't already know, I occasionally do expert witness work in scuba litigation (usually defense) and I have never been involved with or heard of a single case where this has happened.
First of all, the lawyers already know all the names of all of the people directly and indirectly involved. They've got the passenger manifest, the crew names, the shjop owner, the employees, the resort operator, the dock workers, the manufacturer, etc., etc. If you've got some real information and involvement, to think that you can stay hidden is fantasy. (And the LAST thing you want to do is make it look like you've got something to hide.)
That's not to say they don't read these threads. I've been deposed before (Drifting Dan was one case that comes to mind but I don't remember the specific) and have been questioned about an Internet posting that may have been contrary to the position I took. In cases, like that, they're trying to use someone else (Wikipedia also often comes up) who they don't have to pay to discredit my position (or that of another expert). And both plaintiffs and defense might do this.
But the idea of somehow you'll be dragged into a case that you really have no connection with because you expressed an opinion I think simply doesn't happen. If anyone knows of a time that this did occur, I'd be curious/interested to read a post about that.
Although this isn't his specific area, maybe ChrisM (who IS a lawyer) can weigh in as well.
- Ken
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