Originally posted by gozumutti
KN, I like Jon's idea about local dives on long weekends and whatnot for people in the area, and a more major trip once a year which would hopefully include members from other continents. That would involve the usual hassle of achieving consensus on dates and destinations, but can be done.
Jon has flown to London for the weekend, so in his absence I am appointing him chairman hehehe when he is not around to defend himself...
AARGH. I leave you alone for 3 days and look what you do!!!!!
For the rest of you.........
Gozu and I had a long phone conversation last week, and we started floating some ideas about as to what sort of things would be good to get divers together.
We came up with the question:- is it better to have fewer longer and more expensive trips, or more shorter trips with some longer trips?
If we are going to be a real club, then, it is probably better if we do more diving rather than less, and we suggested that organising long weekends might be a good way of getting more people involved, plus, as there are quite a few students round here (Haggis, Scubababy, She Who Must Be Obeyed etc.....) so arranging something that they can go on as well I think would be appreciated.
If I remember, the idea floated was to have semi regular long weekends, plus, one or two longer trips a year as Gozu mentioned above, and then mebe every two years or so arrange a BIG trip (eg scapa, or somewhere for ALL the scubaboard members).
As for club structure, (This is only my suggestion) we need two parts, administrative, and diving/safety. This could probably work along the lines of
Diving officer - the most experienced person, who has overall 'responsibility' to make sure that diving is done in a safe manner - makes sure when a trip is arranged that all basic safety guidelines have been obeyed, and to remind people about emergency action plans etc.. (perhaps best described as some-one who 'keeps an eye on things')
Chairman / rest of committee - to actually organise things!
I have just suggested this, because this allows us to use people to organise things who have lower levels of qualification, but higher levels of enthusiasm! (there are less of us on the board here from europe, so we have to use all the organisational skills we have!)
Anyway, Just .02
Jon T
PS Gozu - Why do I have to be chairman? Why not you? I could do something like Diving Officer instead! (which would probably be a harder job!)