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The Dive Club is coming together ...

We haven't even finished drawing everything up yet for the club but we already have exclusive dive trips and free certifications lined up just for members...

Be watching for some rather regular news updates for the club info within the following hours, days and weeks...

But to get the scoop on the first order of goodies Check this out ...

Also, if any of you have joined a club before and ended up not liking something about it by all means tell us about it. We would like to make sure we do what we can when designing it from the floor up.

Also, not just the ugly but the good things that you would like to see included in the membership.


I've not been able to follow the rapid development of the Club since the holidays...been divin'the BVI's and USVI's for the past month or so. As I remember, when I left it was in very infant stages. Glad to see so much progress.

Some ideas which I hope are constructive:

(1) Have a dive board totally separate from this Scuba board, with sections for trip announcements, activities, club member to club member communications (to keep this board from becoming a social club for a few frequent posters like some boards, and stay truly focused on dive issues), roster info and officer contact info, etc.

(2) Require that everyone that joins must participate in some way, such as on a committee or project or in some other way that brings everyone into the group. This prevents some folks from "taking over" and/or forcing just a few folks to shoulder a huge load.

(3) Contact members for votes, opinions, etc. automatically by e-mail when looking for consensus. Don't force members to constantly monitor a web site to stay up to date. When someone's busy and a big issue is decided, they won't be left out of the loop just 'cause they're not playing on their computer every day.

(4) Promote group identity with patches, decals, T-shirts, newsletters (e-mail would be fine), etc.

(5) Promote a "buddy system" whereby folks get paired up with someone they don't know, sort of like getting on a dive boat alone and getting paired up. They could communicate, exchange experiences, dive stories, interests, etc. Then every couple of months or so, switch to a new buddy...and so on to promote individual identities and relationships within the club.

I'll look forward to seeing what ideas others might have, and comments on these few suggestions I've made.


1) Board - Already Done ...

2) Participation - There will be a board, which except for the first year of course, will be appointed by the members. You think this is a step in the right Direction?

3) Member Contact System - Already Done ...

4) Promotion through XYZ - Also already done ...

5) Buddy System - Almost Done - A long time in the making. This was and is the hardest part. We wanted it to be something special.

Thank you for your input, we want to make sure we address everything that is brought up ... So by all mean, speak up now as the final wraps are being placed now.


If we are going to have a special club area, would it be possible to have an area within the board especially for those of us who are not in the states?

The trips organised so far, are all well and good, but they are a significant distance (and hence far greater cost) away from us europeans.

There is a thread elsewhere about starting a european branch, where we organise diving that is more convenient for us (mediteranean, red sea etc..), could this idea be worked in somehow?

I know this goes a bit against the global ideal of the internet, but it is just sheer practicality. I think this would equally apply if there were significant numbers of members in australia etc..

Jon T
Good point, Dr Jon, it was the reasoning behind the "Eurodivers Chapter" or whatever you want to call it. We will all certainly ultimately take part in the one the club dives organised on the other side of the Atlantic, I would think, and have folk come over here, but it is nice to have some local stuff going on and bind it into the global.

My $0.02 (sheesh i am going broke)

As the King =-) knows, I would be happy to offer trips to the Red Sea and The Great Barrier.
Scapa Flow interests me too, as does Guam, and the Marshall Islands.
If enough divers from these boards want any of those trips, we can put them together. We might only have a handful of Americans that will go, but if you divers abroad can fill them, I'm sure Mario :mario: will still escort them, and offer his free upgrading services.
We probably can get more Americans to go then we think.
We offered the closer to US trips, mostly because they price out much less then the Red Sea and such, even for Euro divers. {Maybe not the air, but as far as land arrangements and diving goes}
Let us know where the flow wants to go, and we can do it!
HI Natasha

If you organise a trip to the Red Sea, I am IN!! I can't handle a week's trip to the Caribbean, cuz the jet lag coming back almost kills me, but you can get me down to the Red Sea or the Med any time!

To be honest, I really want to go to the Red Sea too.
I had a trip planned there the same time the Egypt Air flight went down. We cancelled the trip, and all went to Belize instead. Although it was a great time in Belize, I'm still aching to do that Red Sea Trip, and so are many in my group that had planned to go.
If people would put down a date that they hoped to go, maybe we could work it out and all go at the same time.
But for me to just 'pick' a date, it's less likely it will work for everyone.
So, for all of you out there that seriously want to dive the Red Sea, tell us when, and I'd be happy to work on it, do a mailing to my regular dive list, and see if we can get a small group going.
Yes, we are coming up with some ideas for other Chapters to be run from other places ... This was something we knew would be needed.

All thoughts are welcome...



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