If there is not much tide, or the boat is small enough, it is preferred to roll off opposite sides.Have you considered doing your back roll on either side of the gunwale? Both hands are needed when doing a roll back entry.
Where the boat is larger, or we have a lot of run. The boat will approach the shot on the same side as the divers are positioned.
so why have the forward diver rolling first why not start at the rear -that way the person on their left cant land on them if boast is creeping forward. Ive never heard of this practice and it has lots of potential for a screw up- especially on the cattle boat type dives .
The boat is not creeping forward, it is coasting forward against the tide and in neutral.
Both divers are supposed to roll together. Ideally both divers should be within 3 feet of each other once in the water, and 6 - 9 feet upstream of the shot, dependent on how fast the tide is running.
Most of the dive hard boats have got bigger, especially now we use diver lifts. So we tend to do a stride entry off the lift at the stern.
On some boats, the access to the water on one side of the boat may be restricted, or visibility for the skipper restricted. When manoeuvring close to the shot most skippers like an unimpeded view, in case someone surfaces unexpectedly.
We don't do 'cattle boats' in the UK. Maximum number of divers on any UK boat is 12. Even the boats you sign onto as an individual, have an expectation that you know what you are doing for the proposed dive.
Techniques are adapted for the environment, like negative entry onto some sites.
The Scapa block ships are all dived without a shot, and a negative entry. If you don't go on "go", or you don't descend quickly, you are swept off the site. Normally we try to drop a minimum of 2 sticks of divers on any one pass, if we can, up to 4. If you mess it up and miss the site you have a wait, whilst all the other divers are put in, before the boat will attempt to recover you. It is highly unlikely that if you miss the site on the first pass you will have the opportunity to try again once recovered. The window is really tight.