Nautical Dreamer
It been a while but back when I read Sun Tzu the Art of War. I remember one of the strategies was to overwhelm the enemy. We could use some outside assistance from people who are better funded, organized and crazier than we are, to fight the battle for us. I suggest one of the most irrational groups out there, PETA
Someone should contact these nuts and get them to hold one of there rallies up in Cape Ann area. The lobsterman will have there hands so full dealing with PETA and the media crusade that will follow that their contention to the diving community will fade into the night. Does any one work in the PR business or know any celebrities that would be willing to help? Someone up in the Cape Ann area must have some media pull or celebrity connections.
Someone should contact these nuts and get them to hold one of there rallies up in Cape Ann area. The lobsterman will have there hands so full dealing with PETA and the media crusade that will follow that their contention to the diving community will fade into the night. Does any one work in the PR business or know any celebrities that would be willing to help? Someone up in the Cape Ann area must have some media pull or celebrity connections.