What to buy next -- tank, drysuit, BP/wings

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Boston, MA USA European refugee
Here is my dilemma....

I can convince my wife that I need to spend $$$ on ONE major new piece of gear this year.

My choices and reasons for each are as follows:

(1) PST HP120 tank. Why: I only own 1 tank, which means 2 trips to the LDS every time I go diving (one to fill my own tank and pick up a rental tank, and then another post-dive trip to return the rental). HP 120 because I want a bigger than average tank. I own an OMS 98 -- don't want another because I don't particularly like the finish on the OMS (more rust prone) and I would prefer HP vs. LP (lots of shore diving). Cost: About $380.

(2) Drysuit. Why: New England diving -- it would be great to extend my diving season. Cost: perhaps as low as $800, depending on brand (not including undies).

(3) BP/wings: This has been a distant third choice to me....although I may be taking a DIR Fundamentals course late this summer....so it would be nice to convert to BP/wings now and have most of the summer to get it properly adjusted and get comfortable with it prior to taking the course (vs. my current option of borrowing and having no pre-class practice time). All that being said, my Sea-Quest Pro QD is only about 2 years and 40 dives old. Cost: ~$400 (less a potential offset if I sell the QD).

Would love some opinions on what YOU would buy first and why.

At the risk of inflaming the DIR purists on the board I'd suggest
you buy a DRYSUIT !!!!

I'll dive with you regardless of whether or not you use a
BP ... but that is not possible if you can't dive because of the
cold ...

You can buy used tanks and a Fred T plate, etc. for *short*
money AFTER you have the dry-suit.

#1 no definitely not... especially if you are planning to take a DIRF... it will just be one more thing to lose money on when you sell it on ebay.

#2 definitely a maybe... I would be tempted to go with a drysuit... but then thinking about what you expect to spend and what you can get for that... I would say... wait on the drysuit.

#3 yes... get the bp/wing and sell the BC to offset... hopefull you will get a start toward saving for that good quality trilam drysuit with good undergarment. btw I know where you can get a wonderful undergarment at low cost when you get your drysuit.

Now let me take you outside of the box for a moment....

1) What toys or unused stuff do you have to sell? Let ebay give you some leverage toward getting that new drysuit too... perhaps your wife will see your desperation and have pity on you.

2) What new thing has your wife wanted that she has had to defer getting because of your profligate spending on guy toys? Buy it for her. Be sure to wait awhile before you ask to buy more dive gear so the linkage is not as transparent.
If you divorce the wife you won't have these problems:) you can buy all you want.....But since you Love her and are willing to convince her that you need the dry suit to stay toastie warm on those long cold dives:)....she wouldn't want you to freeze your .....off;-0 hope this helps...but you know your going to need that backplate and wing before august so you can also sneak that in as a piece of gear you need for the class. Plus your going to need that LOW PRESSURE tank for the class also better buy it you can always say you had 2 of them to begin with you just kept them in separate places. Wow I just like spending money on dive gear.......sure glad I am single and my girlfriend dives to....she likes when I buy new gear for me so she can use it too.
Remind me again why DIR doesn't like HP:

- buoyancy (which I don't really buy, because I think a PST hp 100 has almost exactly the same full/empty buoyancy as my OMS 98)

- gas mixing difficulties?

And UP -- what she wants is a new house. If I buy her that, I'll be selling ALL my gear on E-Bay......
The dry suit will give you the largest return on investment as it will broaden your dive season and let you get more dives on your current gear. This will also warrent the new tank to defer the rental costs.

My two bits,

Originally posted by large_diver
And UP -- what she wants is a new house. If I buy her that, I'll be selling ALL my gear on E-Bay......
I would have thought that too...
I built my wife a new house...
And during that year I didn't get to dive at all...

I still am amazed at all that has happened...
My (new) garage is now filled with dive stuff...
Put your wife and her needs first... you will be blessed.
I'd say get the drysuit, the vis gets unreal here in the winter/spring, some great diving if you are warm and dry.

Hp 120 is not DIR, but, it sure is sweet for shore diving. I have one and feels great underwater, it's not that heavy, and it's tons of air for hunting lobsters and scallops.
I would go for the dry suit hands down.


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