What the hell is this all about ?

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This look like a way to get hordes of Wall Mart vacation divers crawling all over the reefs, bottom and in general raising havoc with the eco system.


Coming soon to a reef near you ... People of Walmart ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Sounds great for under 30' audience. After all wont this just stimulate the diving industry? Courses could be 1/2 hour. This is how to put it on, the buttons do this. Don't hold your breath and come up slowly! Here's your card. Perhaps they will beat PADI at their own game... THINK OF ALL THE MONEY THAT CAN BE MADE! :wink:
Sounds like people are bashing this organization. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

....just seems a shame to not try to stop the spread of a preventable disease, that's all.....
.....what's next, a driver's license that limits your top speed to 20 M.P.H. , and teaches you how to use a car accelerator but not the steering wheel or brakes ?

We already have this license in South Florida, it's held exclusively by blue hairs in land yachts they can't see over the dash of, snowbirds, and people from third world nations who never drove a vehicle in their life but apparently are handed a drivers license when they reach our shores.
It's not rocket science, perhaps standards for mainstream agencies are too high?
Good deadpan.

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