What should I get for my first BC?

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Zeagle Scout. Back inflate that I dive with everything from my drysuit to just a skin. I have considered buying a second one to put up for the future just in case Zeagle stops making it.

ditto on the Scout BC.....love mine(can get them new for $200 online).......
The BP & W crowd here on ScubaBoard tends to be very vocal, opinionated, and intolerant of alternative options. I always wonder when # of posts far exceeds # of dives. Choice of a BC is personal. I dived with a jacket style Scubapro Glide Plus for 4 years, a highly rated BC. It fit very well, was very comfortable, and gave me good buoyancy. I never did like the squeezing feeling it gave me. I switched to a Scubapro Knighthawk nearly 4 years and 200 dives ago. It fits very well, is extremely comfortable, gives me great buoyancy and I feel completely free of the feeling of constriction I had with my previous BC. The best of luck in finding the right BC for you. Take inventory of your diving goals and objectives and then take care to fulfill your own needs.

Good diving, Craig
I find the jacket style BCs to be a bit constrictive and uncomfortable. I personally have a Zeagle Ranger LTD and love it. Once I'm in the water it's like it's not even there, very comfy. Haven't had much experience with BPs but I honestly don't see what all the hype is about. I understand that there more trim, but by how much.?. Not enough for me to change. If you're not going to be a tech diver I don't see why one would deal with it. I personally loved the Zeagle Stiletto I was using, and their customer service is pretty darn good. I've seen them take back 10/15 year old BCs and replace them as if they were purchased yesterday.
Just for the record, solowgregg, there is nothing "tech", "tek", "tec" or any other cool little variation of spelling you can think of, about a BP/W. A BP/W is just getting back to basics, eliminating a lot of things people feel are unnecessary on a BC.

I do agree with scubadada up there. There do seem to be some fanatics around here who must be getting a sweet paycheck from BP/W manufacturers. I personally would never presume to know what is best for someone, and would never, ever say that one particular style, brand, or model is the way to go.
Hahaha I love how you waist your post disapproving of the way I spell tech rather than giving the opinion the original poster requested. You are the type of person that ruins online forums by attacking other peoples opinions and beliefs. If you'll notice, everything in my post is worded to say "this is my opinion, not fact". The reason I say tech is because for the most part these are the divers I see buying them, again not necessarily fact. If you'll notice I said "I don't see why" not "this is how it is". Take your negative overly opinionated posts elsewhere, the rest of us are just trying to help.
Settle down, dude, I wasn't attacking you or being negative at all. I was just pointing out that the BP/W is not, in and of itself, technical. I was also just making a joke about the whole "Tech", "Tek", "Tec" thing.

I don't think its laid back, jocular people like myself who ruin forums. I think its the people who go out of their way to take offense to anything and everything they can possibly find to take offense to.

Next time, how about asking for a clarification before you accuse me of being a whole lot of things I'm not? Maybe we'll save ourselves, and everyone else from having to read this stuff.
Nice try. To me when someone mocks the way I type - "other cool little variations" - that is telling me that they view me as either 1. an idiot or 2. a child. 'Twas not a joke, you're just saying that because you feel as though you look like an ass now. Just because I don't have 500 dives doesn't mean I can't give a competent opinion. I'm merely trying to help. Someone comes here to ask the opinion of other divers because they either don't have the time or the funds for the trial and error methods. That's just the way I see it. I you feel like posting in this thread again please do so trying to help the original poster.
The BP & W crowd here on ScubaBoard tends to be very vocal, opinionated, and intolerant of alternative options.

Internet forum's basic currency is vocal participants who possess opinions. Remove either and you might as well turn out the lights and close the doors. I do wonder if you have the same problems with the "opinionated" that happen to share your views.

How exactly does one exhibit intolerance on an Internet Forum?

I do agree with scubadada up there. There do seem to be some fanatics around here who must be getting a sweet paycheck from BP/W manufacturers. I personally would never presume to know what is best for someone, and would never, ever say that one particular style, brand, or model is the way to go.

Get a grip Nick. Why is it that the "tolerant" often engage making unfounded accusations? If we are to believe you the "fanatics" are hypocrites who only promote BP&W's in exchange for "sweet paychecks" from unethical manufacturers.

Just a tad over the top IMO.

Okay, enough rambling guys, the OP came here for constructive thoughts on thier first BCD. It all boils down to your particular style of diving. I log around 100 dives per year and am the proud owner of a brand new Zeagle Ranger LTD that I purchased on closeout for an amazing price. I've owned the BP/W, stab jacket and back-inflate and have chosen to stay with a conventional back-inflate BC from a reputable manufacturer that has a strong dealer support network. Am I saying that Zeagle is the best? By no means. But I have found that this type of BCD happens to be the best for what I need my BCD to do. Jacket styles I find are very constrictve when fully inflated, while BP/W's (which have an almost cult-like following to them on this board) offer a lot of growth options depending upon where you forsee your diving career going.

I dove a Sherwood Avid for years before I moved to a back-inflate SeaQuest Balance and then discovered the Zeagle line of BC's on this board and haven't turned back. I own a Stiletto and Ranger LTD with 3 different bladders which are interchangable depending on what type of diving I am doing. Remember...opinions are like buttholes...everybody has one...

Good luck in choosing your first BC and PM me for anything I can do for you.
Hi Nick,

I'll take a crack at it.

In my opinion I would go with either a back inflate BC or a backplate/wing. These are the types I prefer and have used.

If you want an opinion on jacket type BC's read up one those for the merits of that style. I have no opinion of value on jacket BC's, since I've never dove with one.

What I liked about back inflate BC's were the fact that they were more streamlined, meaning, less bulky. I didn't want pockets or other features added to the BC, I was looking for the cleanest design.

I have owned both a Mares Icon back inflate and a Scubapro Knighthawk back inflate. They both were really good BC's, I can't say that one was better than the other. There were more similarities than differences between the two.

The Oceanic excursion is very similar to these two. The Zeagle back inflates seem to be very good, I've had a chance to check them out as well. They use a different system for ditchable weight pockets.

You would have to do a search on those to get opinions on the Zeagle BC's, I've never dove one, but when I was able to check one out it did seem to be of very high quality.

What I currently own is a Deep sea supply LCD30 backplate/wing. For me it is superior to the other two back inflate BC's I used to own.

The simplicity and lack of clutter were what I was looking for. I felt that the Scubapro Knighthawk was too bulky. I didn't like the cummerband waist band, for example.

For back plate wing styles, there are also more similarities than differences (well, there are some differences) .
Most use a backplate(aluminum, stainless steel, kydex), a harness (HOG or a padded style of some sort) and a wing. Another thing that I liked about going this route was the ability to choose whatever size or shape of wing I wanted.

There are many styles and shapes of wing, and this is one area where the differences lie between the different brands out there.

You can mix and match to meet your needs. In my opinion, this may be part of the appeal for experienced divers in choosing a backplate wing BC. Instead of getting the default size and shape that the BC manufacturer decided to include on their back inflate or jacket BC's,
you get to choose exactly what you want if you decide on a backplate wing. This was one of the factors for me.

Another nice feature is the infinitely adjustable harness if you go with a HOG style harness.

In going with a backplate wing, there are quite a few manufacturers to go with. You can mix and match brands in many cases.

As for me, when I spent my money on mine, I went with the company that I felt had the most well thought out designs.

I chose a DSS, one big reason was their backplate design. It seemed to be very well thought out, this particular plate has molded in rubber inserts which secure the webbing harness as opposed to using the typical tri-glide sliders. It seemed like a cleaner design than most. I have made a few back plates from aluminum and stainless steel, I prefer the DSS. It's a well designed plate.

I also like their wing design, which has a built in "single tank adaptor". I have a couple of different single tank adapters, I prefer the DSS type that's integrated into their center panel.

There are other companies out there which are also good, but I went with the more integrated approach that Deep Sea Supply has designed.

So......My recommendation would be to get a backplate/wing BC.

For what it's worth........

My decision was based on the fact that I am a machinist and an aircraft sheet metal mechanic. As I mentioned, I have made my own backplates and single tank adapters.
For me to spend my money on something that I can make myself to a high standard, it has to be very good.

I was impressed enough with DSS to spend my money on their products.

If you weren't inclined to buy a backplate/wing BC, I'd recommend either a Scubapro Knighthawk (I owned one), or a Zeagle model (I have only checked out but was impressed with), these are both back inflate BC's.

As for a jacket BC, you'd have to ask around. I have no opinion.

-Take care,
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