My BCD is a Sherwood Avid CQR3, which has a bunch of D-rings: 2 on each shoulder, then one at the hip, so should be enough to attach, right? For regulator I was thinking of just getting a Sherwood Magnum since they're on sale for $200. My current reg is a Mares Abyss 22, but the price has doubled since I bought it so can't really buy a new one.
Number of d rings is meaningless. Optimum placement of them is more critical. And I'm guessing that's a weight integrated bc as I can't look it up just now. If so you may restrict access to the weight pocket. Not a good thing. It is not designed to be used with a stage bottle. Get a larger main tank, work on air consumption, or restrict your dives to shallower depths. Until you can unload that rig and get one designed for what you want to do.
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