What kinda workouts are you doing?

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Martial arts one hour per day x 4 days per week. Also work in a lot of snowboarding when the season is on and mountain biking when I can in the summer.
Running - 4 miles 5 times per week for the last 6 months or so: it's made a big difference in my air consumption, espically under difficult conditions.
[shame] Wellllllll, I go to the University by bike (30 minutes every day, which is not much, I agree), and I swim 2 hours every thursday... and I wake up every morning... [/shame]
I practice water polo 2 hrs 5 days a week.
Where do you usually run? In a park, street...?
My ususal has always been,

day1 shoulders/arms...1 1/2 hrs cardio
day2 legs......................" cardio
day3 back/abs.............." cardio

BUT, I just went to my first Karate class on the weekend and I think I found a new love! Combined with a nice run in the morning it was a kick butt workout! I will still pop into the gym a few days a week for weights but not nearly as often.
Cardio 5 days per week, split between running, biking and the stairmaster. at least 2 workouts are endurance (over an hour), the others are usually 30 minutes.

Weight lifting 3 days per week- Monday: chest/ back/abs, Wednesday: legs, Friday: biceps/triceps/shoulders
Do 12 oz arm curls count? :coke:

Marc :jester:
I swim breast stroke and side stroke alternating laps 2500 meters four days a week.

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