What you say makes sense from the perspective you view it from, that is true.
You also are clearly trying to wring the most value from your dollar. Plus, while you're looking at a fairly high end reg. (at least compared to some), since you invoked the mention of a Ferrari, let me point out that a more analogous regulator might be an Atomic Aquatics T3 regulator. Like the Ferrari, it costs a whole lot more than a mid-range product, functions much the same in the mainstream target environment, and has advantages that are fairly minor for most people.
But some people buy Ferraris. And some people buy T3s. When people see you're looking hard for the best value proposition, the subject of HOG tends to come up.
I'm not pushing HOG (or any brand); my personal reg.s are an Atomic B2 and Sherwood SR1, and I used to dive an xsScuba SeaAir Tri-metal (I believe it was). All worked. I eventually went with the Atomic B2 with similar sentiments to yours, I think.