I had a 14' Achilles SIB with a 20HP outboard. You could put 4 divers in it, but it was slow (<10mph) and crowded. Two people was a bit more manageable. Great boat for one or two people out fishing or sightseeing.
In August I upgraded to a 22' aluminum Ribcraft with an 150HP outboard. The thread was about what size is ideal, and for me, it hit all 4 of my major needs:
My wife named her Strike II, with a warning that the next boat will be Strike III.

In August I upgraded to a 22' aluminum Ribcraft with an 150HP outboard. The thread was about what size is ideal, and for me, it hit all 4 of my major needs:
- No problem carrying 4 divers + a driver, with breathing gas for two dives.
- Range is 250 miles at 30MPH. With 1/3 reserve, 165 miles. We regularly run 40-60 miles one way.
- Handles rough weather nicely and with a great deal of confidence. It'll go out in anything we'd be comfortable diving in, plus some.
- Less than 3500 lbs fully loaded, can tow with my SUV or compact pickup.
My wife named her Strike II, with a warning that the next boat will be Strike III.