That was true for the prior US distributor, it's completely turned around 180° now.... HORRIBLE distribution and parts availability ...
Viking will get orders out the same day if you catch them early enough, ( by noon, most of the time) and will ship any flavor UPS you want.
Heck, I haul my regs down the street a few blocks to my local shop, they have excellent techs there & all the spiffy tools, (like a Magnahelic for checking the cracking pressure). They do a much more comprehensive job than I do. (I'm the kind of guy that uses his thumbnail for a spark plug gapping tool). :tease:... who doesn't work on them themselves (unlike Bob3)
It's a good idea to let the parts seat in & then re-adjust anyway, this is something that should be done on all regs, as is keeping the innards clean & free of hair, potato chips, etc.
Besides, take a look at Poseidon's new 1st stage, ya just can't help but fall in love with the sheer beauty of its design:
This 1st stage (I predict) will become the most copied in years to come.
If you're going on vacation, wait to have your reg serviced until after you get back. Many (if not most) reg problems happen as a result of sloppy workmanship. This holds true for all regs, not just Poseidon.