Scubaboard Enthusiast
It happens all the time its called rescue breathing, however to perform it underwater would be an intreasting sight...
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Decide that you're glad that at least you'll drown rather than get incinerated by the meteor that's about to strike.
Although it's against the very basic rule "your safety comes first", I don't think I'll leave my buddy.What if you are in a team of two divers, your exit from a wreck or a cave was somehow delayed, your buddy runs out of gas, and you see that your SPG shows only enough gas, (in your estimation) to get one diver out?
What would you do?
It happens all the time its called rescue breathing, however to perform it underwater would be an intreasting sight...
Thanks for the replies so far. The idea for this thread was sparked by a short anecdote by PfcAJ in the DIR forum, by the real world loss of two friends cave diving in which one had two opportunities to live, but gave his life for his friend, and by my very wise NACD cave instructor who taught me how to live through such a situation in my apprentice course.
I'll jump in later to explain the above accident and what I was taught.
And fighting the flow...