What if I needed to pee underwater?

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If in a wesuit, let if flow!!!!! :D It's like being in a Hot tub, ahhhhhhh the warm sensation ....:wink:

*Veteran Wetsuit Pee'er

And then everyone will know that u did it in the wetsuit - the smell will be impossible to get rid off! :wink:
Bottom time over an hour on many dives = Just gotta go.
The only suit that I won't pee in is my drysuit.
None of my wetsuits are in the least bit stinky!
The solution to pollution is dilution!

Aaaaaw u made a ryhme :wink:
Great thread, on a classic topic.

As many have said, just "let it go/flow/whatever". But don't forget to rinse. :)
We have this thread every month by a different poster
On a more serious note- if you feel like you have to pee during a dive, and you try to, and nothing happens, be aware: that can be a symptom of a DCS type II hit.

Take care,
Or that you're a male over age 40

Originally Posted by Tom Smedley
Just remember not to eat Asparagus beforehand........
I never did get that one. :confused: Some kind sole send me a pm or something.

Urine from a properly hydrated healthy adult human is sterile and should have little to no odor and will not create stank if you properly maintain your gear.
Yeah, I know - but you're still afraid people will know.

What if you take vitamins?
You'll have vitamin rich pee. Took a medicine once that made mine look like orange koolaide. :11:

And then everyone will know that u did it in the wetsuit - the smell will be impossible to get rid off! :wink:
See "little or no odor above." Unless you use the boat's spray hose to spray water on the inside of your suit after taking it off. Seen that happen, and we all know why - yes, more pee on the deck to walk thru.

I finished one of my resort dives with a need to go, got out, jerked the suit off, jumped back in to pee. Operator asked me what I was doing? "I didn't want to pee in someone else's suit." "Everyone else does." If I had to handle other people's used suits, I'd want plastic gloves. ewwww

I know a drunk once who'd pee in his suit before he'd even get onto the boat. He thought it was fine whenever you suited up. :silly:
The first & only time I peed in my wetsuit I was very unprepared for the sensation and was *totally* grossed out. I could see that it would be a nice sensation if I wasn't well aware that it's *not* bath water that's slowly going down your legs and arms, etc. It pretty much ruined that dive for me, but I think that's because I overthink things. If you're ok with swimming around in your own urine, then it would probably be fine :D

Luckily for me I've never had a problem holding it in for more than an hour without discomfort, so as long as I go before the dive starts, I shouldn't ever have to do that again !
I'd like to film this happening. I know a website that'll pay lots for the video - sorry only joking.

I prefer farting in my wetsuit - it's nice when the bubbles run up your back. Doesn't do a lot for your bouyancy though.

Just be sure that it's definately a fart before you let it go, the bubble sensation does sometimes make you worry that it may have been a little more than you were intending. And potential for disaster is high, especially when you get back to the dive boat. Release with caution.
Awww c'mon. Peeing in your wetsuit couldn't be any worse than not flushing to conserve water. Anyone remember "If it's yellow, let it mellow...."? I get the feeling that people who've been diving for a while and still have an aversion to peeing in their wetsuit either don't really like diving that much or were potty trained at gunpoint.
pee valve in drysuit is good thing, but if you must dive wet, flip youerself up side down put the exhaust ports of your reg in the neck of your suit and exhale, the flow of air will vent fresh water into the suit,
Had to wait for the convulsions to subside before replying...

Would you pee into the ocean from the boat?

I know a drunk once who'd pee in his suit before he'd even get onto the boat. He thought it was fine whenever you suited up.

flip youerself up side down put the exhaust ports of your reg in the neck of your suit and exhale, the flow of air will vent fresh water into the suit,

This is better than comedy central.

Keep those tips coming.


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