What happened to the countdown timers

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thanks for the update, david. scissors!
rock, I win :multi:
Leaving for Cabo 10-22-05. 2 days and counting.:D
Tech Admin:
At this time we are not looking to add this feature back to the site. After all known bugs have been removed we have a few other features on the list to work on, including a revised version of trader ratings.

thanks for getting rid of those silly things! :god:
Now I'm leaving for Cabo too, i wanted to put it on my countdown timer.....oh well. Have fun David.
If we could have the ability to add HTML or images to our sig's we could host the countdown timers elsewhere...

Like this:
<center><script src="http://members.sitegadgets.com/scripts/tcountdown.cgi?date=2006,1,14,10,0,0&username=computertechgirl"></script><br><small><a href="http://www.sitegadgets.com/">Hosted by SiteGadgets Free!</a></small></center>
Tech Admin:
At this time we are not looking to add this feature back to the site. After all known bugs have been removed we have a few other features on the list to work on, including a revised version of trader ratings.
Awww, shucks!
Thanks Justin, when are you going? :multi:
Leaving for Cabo 10-22-05. 1 days and counting.:D
See ya! :multi:
Leaving for Cabo 10-22-05. "<"having fun">":D
Hi from Cabo :multi:
In Cabo 10-22-05 thru 10-29-05. "<"having fun">":D
you are evil
If the countdown timers are in fact gone for the foreseeable future, you might wanna remove them from the General Forum Usage FAQ...

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