Advertising is a completely different animal. We have the divers you are looking for.Its only now that I'm wanting to advertise
Our Google-fu is awesome. Most people will actually find us by typing a question into Google. Quite often, it's only after repeated times to the site that they actually learn our name. That's how Backscatter found us and why they recommend us. They've been an advertiser for quite some time. Advertisers become an immediate part of the community as their user accounts go red and it's easy for people to see that you support the community. Moreover, all scuba businesses are a part of our community, whether they like it or not. We're going to talk about them one way or another. If we aren't, then you aren't making an impact with most divers. We would love for you to be a part of that conversation, but if you don't have the time, we'll still be talking about you. We're also a great way of introducing your business to divers. Unlike other platforms, like Facebook, whatever you type here can be easily found by Google users.So in a nutshell if I need to ask something that I cant find out from a commercial operation where I live and there are kind people on forums like this I'll ask.
Yet, here you type on a Saturday evening, no less, because a stranger you've never met is wrong, and needs help in seeing the light. We can be quite addictive, especially as you get to know a few of us.haha I do hence me not being on message boards every evening![]()