What happened to personal responsibilty?

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I can tell the weather is starting to affect divers in these parts. Not enough diving going on. Talk about getting wet........it's not what most of us had in mind.

Just to chime on this topic, I have 13 years of experience responding to all types of incidents on the Commonwealth's roadways and I am very much surprised when someone DOES actually fess up to the fact that they were RESPONSIBLE for causing an accident, er - crash. I am surprised because it virtually never happens. Usually I get some cock and bull story about a black dog or a white car.

What am i band from posting here two post deleted. What ever happed to free speach.
I suggest you read the ScubaBoard Terms of Service HERE. As long as you continue to break the terms, your posts will be deleted.

You might want to look closely for the words, "personal attacks".
What am i band from posting here two post deleted. What ever happed to free speach.
Two points.
First. When in someone elses house you have to follow their rules. It's not really a question of free speech.
Second. Sometimes it's not what you say but the way that you say it that causes offense.
What (sic) am i band (sic) from posting here two post deleted. What ever happed to free speach (sic).

An interesting point, Seabulley, if not entirely well-executed. The problem with your question is this. When you sign up for this Board, you are supposed to read the Terms of Service (TOS).

You have to say that you agree with them, even if you don't actually read them. You should, however, read them. In short, however, they advise you not to engage in political arguments, not to use foul language, and not to make personal attacks on others. In short, you should PLAY NICELY WITH OTHERS IN THE SANDBOX.

Also, it tells you what we will do if you cannot seem to follow this simple advice.

Since this is a wholly owned, and private forum presented at no cost to the diving community for the benefit of the whole, you are granted license to participate IF you play by the rules.

There are no, repeat NO, legal guarantees that give you "free speech rights" here in this private domain.

Your choices are simple. Play by the rules and stay in the game, or pick up your toys and go home. What about this is hard to understand?

Rob Davie
Scuba Board Staff
An interesting point, Seabulley, if not entirely well-executed. The problem with your question is this. When you sign up for this Board, you are supposed to read the Terms of Service (TOS).

You have to say that you agree with them, even if you don't actually read them. You should, however, read them. In short, however, they advise you not to engage in political arguments, not to use foul language, and not to make personal attacks on others. In short, you should PLAY NICELY WITH OTHERS IN THE SANDBOX.

Also, it tells you what we will do if you cannot seem to follow this simple advice.

Since this is a wholly owned, and private forum presented at no cost to the diving community for the benefit of the whole, you are granted license to participate IF you play by the rules.

There are no, repeat NO, legal guarantees that give you "free speech rights" here in this private domain.

Your choices are simple. Play by the rules and stay in the game, or pick up your toys and go home. What about this is hard to understand?

Rob Davie
Scuba Board Staff
Boy you realy told me. I dont know what i was thinking. The next time i think someone is a jerk ill keep quite.
"Two teenage sisters were killed in an overnight car crash in Southborough.

NewsCenter 5's Jack Harper reported that the girls were in a sport utility vehicle that hit a utility pole on Northborough Road around 1 a.m. The cause of the accident and whether or not the girls were wearing seat beats remains under investigation."

Not "the vehicle that the 17 y/o girl was driving at 1 A.M. on a schoolnight with her 16 y/o sister inside that crashed at such speed that the utility pole impaled the vehicle and caused the vehicle to remain upside down app. 6 feet off the ground. The damage was so bad that rescuers were unable to tell if anyone was wearing a setbelt." Ummm... not that I'm callous but we seem to be experiencing a rash of accidents involving innocent people who happened to be in a vehicle that crashed (apperently through no fault of the driver).
I responded to and transported patients from two seperate "accidents" like this last weekend. The first was a 18 y/o male who "happened" to be going close to 80 mph on a wet, narrow side road at 1 A.M. when his vehicle rolled and crashed into a tree. The poor guy. Not his fault I guess. The car just decided to take over and became suicidal.

The second was a 24 y/o female who said "I was reaching over to change a CD and my car just swerved onto the other side of the road and struck the truck". Poor girl. Not her fault. I guess the car decided that she wasn't paying enough attention to it and became jealous.

Good gravy! Would someone please accept responsibility for their own actions?! Roads don't move. Trees do not sprout in the middle of roads. Your car's dimensions do not change arbitrarily. Wet or snow covered roads are slippery. No, it isn't everyone elses job to look out for you because you're not watching where you're going. Remember, if you think it's a good idea to drink coffee, eat, do your makeup and drive at the same time, chances are the person in the other car does too.

I'm losing the ability to have compassion for these folks. Maybe I'm burned out

How can someone take responsibilty for their own actions when they are died. The truth is i fell the same way as seabulley but i wont post what i realy think her. Maybe your in the wrong line of work. Yes people should take responsibility for their own actions but its realy sad when any young adult dies in a car crash period.
How can someone take responsibilty for their own actions when they are died. The truth is i fell the same way as seabulley but i wont post what i realy think her. Maybe your in the wrong line of work. Yes people should take responsibility for their own actions but its realy sad when any young adult dies in a car crash period.
Sorry, by IMO, you and Seabully got it wrong. No one is saying it isn't sad, what is being said is that it's time people take responsibility for their actions. Whether it be a tragic accident described in the opening post, finding lost skiiers or hikers who go "backwoods" to get their kicks, or divers who dive in conditions or situations beyond their capabilities, in many cases rescue workers are put in harms way, tax dollars are spent in their rescue or recovery, and in the end, no one takes responsibility. It's just laughed off as kids having fun, or it's too tragic to blame the person who got killed doing something stupid.
Sorry, I don't buy those arguments. Is it tragic they died? Sure, but its tragic to those family and friends who will miss them, for the rescue workers who have to see this sensless accident and scrape them out of the vehicle or off the pavement, not just for those that died. They paid the price doing what they wanted to do.
I have it written that if I ever die while diving, unless there is gross negligence on the part of the others concerned, to chalk it up to my passing on doing something I loved. I'm taking responsibility for doing something I enjoy. It would be nice if everyone else in society did the same.
It's not surprising that many people in the public safety line of work ( EMTs, Police, firemen) burn out, have a higher rate of suicide, alcoholism and divorce.
And then there are those that chastize them when they speak out about some of the sensless things they see......that's what I call sad!
Seabully....that was a really nasty response to a guy who is ( an EMT I think?)...a person involved in saving peoples lives.... and sees this stuff all the time and sounds pretty torn up about what he sees. He's not any of the names you called him, he is a regular here and is a pretty cool guy actually. But I'm sure you've made quite an impression on many people here with your response.
John C.
Yeah, 6 posts and he has already unleashed the wrath of 90% of those on SB.... is that a record???

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