^^This^^ As well as protecting their experienced repeat customers. Honestly, I wouldn’t have considered anything that happened to him more than a minor inconvenience. I feel for him in that he got a bit of a perfect storm with it all happening at once, but none of it would have stopped me from diving that day, and I would have had it resolved by the next day.
I’m not sure how much diving he had planned for his trip, but I certainly wouldn’t have cancelled after two days over it. Also my first thought after two days of diving with a new to me dive op wouldn’t have been to come home and post “What happened to (insert destination here) ?” I probably would have thought “What could I have done differently so it doesn’t happen to me next dive trip?” That said, everyone has their own comfort level when diving. I’ve been dive traveling for a few decades so I try to stay positive and roll with it. All IMHO, YMMV.