Ken Kurtis
I think there's value in speculating as to the cause of an accident. We can still discuss it as a potential cause and how it could have been avoided even though it may not be the actual cause.
I disagree. There's a fine line beteen "speculation" and "making stuff up to the the facts as we'd like them to be".
The problem gets to be that once you start speculating, and then there's speculation upon the speculation, you get into areas that aren't even remotely based on facts of the accident. So the lessons learned may not actually have any real-world application, let alone fit the actual events of the incident being discussed.
And to be very clear, I'm not saying "Is it possible that this and then this could have happened???" But specaltion presetned as fact ("What he most likely did is to blah-blah which in turn would have blah-blah and that's probably what happened") is useless, possibly dangerous, and potentially hurtful to family and friends who may read the posts, IMHO.