what funny things have you seen kitting up

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I thought about it and decided that I would be willing to do this to save the dive.
Is that bad?

nah.. it's when you'e sharing a single torch too that it tends to get frowned on!
This really should not be funny but it is! I had one month where two diving guests projectile vomited off the side of my boat. I mean like Exorcist projectile. Another buddy and I were already in the water swimming toward the bow. It figures both puked off the side of the boat where I was swimming so I had the pleasure of a good view of it. I was well out of the line of fire fortunately.

One was hung over so I did not feel bad for him. The other was joining me for a dive on the U853 and we had 8' swells. Poor bast*rd got halfway through suiting up and lost it.

This really should not be funny but it is! I had one month where two diving guests projectile vomited off the side of my boat. I mean like Exorcist projectile. Another buddy and I were already in the water swimming toward the bow. It figures both puked off the side of the boat where I was swimming so I had the pleasure of a good view of it. I was well out of the line of fire fortunately.

One was hung over so I did not feel bad for him. The other was joining me for a dive on the U853 and we had 8' swells. Poor bast*rd got halfway through suiting up and lost it.

Where you operating the boat anything like the picture in your avatar??? :D
Ha ha ha - it would have definitely been my fault if I was driving like that! No - the seasickness was not my doing. :wink:
CAN you do that? And can I ride too? Strapped on, of course.
I promise not to blattttt......:D
I can get us airborn but I am not so sure about the landing :wink:
Cr@p. I think the landing might be important.
New Zeagles have a diagram on the buckle. Wish mine did...
before getting certified a friend was helping me test out my new gear (which I was going to use for BOW) we went down to the beach and could not figure out how to thread the cam band . . . spent close to 20 minutes trying every possible way we could imagine - finally just pulled it up as tight as we could (still a little loose) and went in (I was snorkeling above him)

after we got home I was breaking the gear down and putting it away. . . there on the side of the DR cam band was a clear diagram of how to thread it. . . we both felt rather foolish when I told him. - I MADE SURE I knew how to thread it for the next time (when a DM was having trouble with it)

How does one dive with a half a fin?

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