H2Andy:"the lawyers never tell you that bankruptcy follows you around for 7 years (or is it 10?) and you won't even be able to get a loan for a cup of coffee"
they should tell you that. if they don't, they're not doing their jobs (now, there's
a surprise)
i also am troubled at the abuses of the bankruptcy process. as it was intended
and drafted, i think it's a good thing. however, any good thing can be missused,
and i think bankruptcy is being misused.
this is my 2 cents: the problem lies with aggressive lending by financial institutions.
they make their money nicely by the huge interest rates they charge most of us.
i don't feel too sorry for them. they know what they are doing, and they are not
losing money.
Sad but true but the thing that comes to my mind is two wrongs do not make a right. Never has and never will.