What Ever Happened To Personal Responsibility ??

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I am just curious what other people's take on this is....

We have a local attorney who has a commercial out indicating he will help get out of debt and it is made pretty clear that the method is through declaring bankruptcy.

Now that may be the only means for some people I guess, but the part of the commercial that just bugs the dickens out of me is at the end.

The announcer says ...."Everyone has the right to start fresh again."......indicating to me...the heck with all the people you owe money to...forget your personal responisibility....just go out and buy..buy...buy and when you wise up enough to know you cant afford all the stuff you bought.....well, just start fresh again.

Now if you support this idea....are you a business person?? And, if you are....how do you recoup your losses? Just pass them on in higher prices to other consumers?

I would like to add a personal 15 second tag line to that commercial indicating people should pull their head our of their forth point of contact and take responsibility for their actions. Paying a little for a long time is better than not paying at all.

But that is just me.

Never mind...I feel better now. Thanks.
I feel your pain. The sad thing is, the lawyers never tell you that bankruptcy follows you around for 7 years (or is it 10?) and you won't even be able to get a loan for a cup of coffee (which you may need if you like Starbucks....). Better to live within your means in the first place...bankruptcy was never intended as a license to shop like you just won the lottery. But some people are just going to be irresponsible and that's that. Sad but true.
"the lawyers never tell you that bankruptcy follows you around for 7 years (or is it 10?) and you won't even be able to get a loan for a cup of coffee"

they should tell you that. if they don't, they're not doing their jobs (now, there's
a surprise)

i also am troubled at the abuses of the bankruptcy process. as it was intended
and drafted, i think it's a good thing. however, any good thing can be missused,
and i think bankruptcy is being misused.

this is my 2 cents: the problem lies with aggressive lending by financial institutions.
they make their money nicely by the huge interest rates they charge most of us.
i don't feel too sorry for them. they know what they are doing, and they are not
losing money.
"the lawyers never tell you that bankruptcy follows you around for 7 years (or is it 10?) and you won't even be able to get a loan for a cup of coffee"

they should tell you that. if they don't, they're not doing their jobs (now, there's
a surprise)

sorry, I meant in the ads...they'd get alot fewer calls wouldn't they?:eyebrow:
TV lawyer ads are so bad. they target specific groups and are going for volume and a quick buck. "We have your best interest in mind". ? puhleeze. :frustrate
i detest lawyers advertising. i hope people realize that maybe 10% of lawyers
advertise like that, at most. it's probably closer to 5%.
I think we should consider the fact that NO ONE wants to take responsibility for just about anything these days. Why should personal finances be any different? Anytime there is an accident or ocurrence, people are always pointing the finger at someone else. When was the last time you heard an individual or company take responsibility. Not the norm any longer..................IMO

Thanks Rich, I too feel better
this is my 2 cents: the problem lies with aggressive lending by financial institutions.

I agree. As long as we have VERY permissive lending laws, we should have VERY easy bankruptcy laws.

Lawyers advertising for easy "fresh starts" are just the flip side of instituitions advertising easy, no pleasurable, credit (cards) to just about everyone. I wouldn't shut down the first, without putting an end to the second.
Anytime there is an accident or ocurrence, people are always pointing the finger at someone else.
This may be another spinoff but there are about 3 active discussions going on right now that involve people blaming DM's for their own lack of personal reguard for safety. It's the way of the world (or at least the US) I guess...
How about the ads from credit card companies that spout "get the credit you deserve!!" Huh??? don't you earn it??
H2Andy this is my 2 cents: the problem lies with aggressive lending by financial institutions. they make their money nicely by the huge interest rates they charge most of us. i don't feel too sorry for them. they know what they are doing:

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