What do you do over the winter?

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If the weather is not to bad, and there is no ice I may jump in, but generally it is all about going south. For me winter is when I get my cave diving in. Head to Florida for a few weeks and cave dive.
Winter diving is the best. For us we see the end of teh Fiery Summer temps. No-one likes kitting up in 120F.

This weekend the sea was down to 28C (82F) and the air temps down to 33C (91F). Although it's still Nov. In Jan we see a sharp drop. The Sea's will be down to 24C (75F) and the air temps around the same. For some it's Drysuit weather, for others its their nasty 7mm. In Jan and Feb we see the rain, maybe 5 days in total in a bad year. And we get clouds too. With the cooling of the seas comes the plankton bloom, but that pleases the Whale Sharks and teh Mola Mola The air doesn't' start to warm up until the end of Feb and then we enter the windy season where we get the Shamal blowing over the Gulf during the day, bring choppy seas and big sandstorms.

April and May are the last of the enjoyable months where the air temps are still sensible although the sea remains at a max of 26C (78F) And then the really uncomfortable weather starts, but at least we can dive wet again.

Ice, we have plenty of Ice.. in our coolers and our drinks :D
I have the 3mm/5mm hood and love it. The venting system is great. I expect I'll have to get a heavier hood if I do more cold water diving.
Try it with your hood first. I have the same H1 3/5mm and took it for my first (ever) two cold water dives yesterday in 48F water and was very comfortable with it - was very impressed.
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Hey Guys, sorry if this has been asked but I am putting my gear away for the winter right now, and what should I do with my BCD? I have drained any water left inside, now do I leave it inflated or totally deflate it to store over the next little while?

Winter is no difference, just colder and less peopel in lakes an quarries.
So the plan is to dive
Winter diving is the best. For us we see the end of teh Fiery Summer temps. No-one likes kitting up in 120F.

This weekend the sea was down to 28C (82F) and the air temps down to 33C (91F). Although it's still Nov. In Jan we see a sharp drop. The Sea's will be down to 24C (75F) and the air temps around the same. For some it's Drysuit weather, for others its their nasty 7mm. In Jan and Feb we see the rain, maybe 5 days in total in a bad year. And we get clouds too. With the cooling of the seas comes the plankton bloom, but that pleases the Whale Sharks and teh Mola Mola The air doesn't' start to warm up until the end of Feb and then we enter the windy season where we get the Shamal blowing over the Gulf during the day, bring choppy seas and big sandstorms.

April and May are the last of the enjoyable months where the air temps are still sensible although the sea remains at a max of 26C (78F) And then the really uncomfortable weather starts, but at least we can dive wet again.

Ice, we have plenty of Ice.. in our coolers and our drinks :D
Goes to show you how one's body adapts to wherever you live. It's hard to even imagine drysuits there with those winter temps. Even the 7 mil wetsuit would be way too much for many. After moving to Nova Scotia 11 years ago after 25 years in northern Manitoba, I have gradually felt colder each year.
Diving Dubai, your post made my day, it is the first time I have ever felt I have a better cold tolerance than anyone, at a water temp of 24c I am only diving a 3/5 mm :D at 21c I am in a 7mm with a 3/5mm hood, wishing I had a drysuit.
Try it with your hood first. I have the same H1 3/5mm and took it for my first (ever) two cold water dives yesterday in 48F water and was very comfortable with it - was very impressed.

I'll try my current hood when I dive at Gilboa in Ohio the first weekend in December. Not sure what the water temps will be then. Will let you know how it works. Thanks!

I keep on diving!!! nothing changes --- except I have to break out the chainsaw to cut the hole and the bubbler to keep it open. Business as usual around here.


Caves are available all year long -- if you can put up with the zero vis when the rivers overflow.

I dive dry all year regardless of temperatures.

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