- Is it to dive with someone of less experience and allow them to gain experience?
- Is it to give post dive feedback?
- Is it to introduce the person being mentored to new environments they might not go to without some encouragement?
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes, provided said encouragement isn't perceived as coercion.
Instructors (even the good ones) will always be evaluating you with an eye on official standards, even when those standards may be outdated or irrelevant.
The few times people have approached me as the mentor (it's FAR more often the other way around), I've generally treated it as: here's what I'm looking for as a buddy/teammate based on how I/we approach dives.
I've had people ask me, "Do you think Instructor X would pass me in Class Y?" That's a question I will never answer.
The same is also true of most of my mentors, even those who have at one time or another been my formal instructors. And personally, that's what I'm looking for: realistic, informal experience in actual (not classroom) diving.