Slight revision, Steel cylinder are regularly overfilled in Florida. Outside of Florida you don't regularly find places doing "cave fills" .
TP = Test Pressure. It is the pressure that the cylinder should be tested at when doing a hydro. This is where you can run into issues with a shop botching a hydro. If they ignore the TP and go with the 5/3s working pressure they exceeded the test pressure and will probably condemn what was a good tank. So you need to watch it when it comes time for a hydro. Avoid bad testers.
TP = Test Pressure. It is the pressure that the cylinder should be tested at when doing a hydro. This is where you can run into issues with a shop botching a hydro. If they ignore the TP and go with the 5/3s working pressure they exceeded the test pressure and will probably condemn what was a good tank. So you need to watch it when it comes time for a hydro. Avoid bad testers.