I'd only envision using detergent at the broke-down vibrator parts washer when servicing regs stage. O-rings and loobs and stuff to be throwed out and replaced anyhow.If you're soaking your personal regulators in any kind of detergent (simple-green, dawn, etc), which is designed to break down oils, it will probably break down the silicone grease and may even deteriorate the o-rings. Depending on what fails, you might suddenly find yourself suddenly covered in bubbles unable to see, a regulator that's difficult to breathe, more frequent-free-flow, wet-breathing, or any number of other issues. In short, it may be a safety hazard, and you're probably negatively impacting your service schedule.
If you want to sterilize a mouth-piece, fine, remove it, soak, and reinstall with a new zip-tie that's nice and secure.
Perhaps fine so soak rental regulators, just don't go too crazy with concentrations.
Maybe there's also something out there that will break down salts, but not oils. But I'd probably suggest doing an "A-B test" with a control of water-only in one, solution in the other, and place an item with silicone grease on it in both for about a week, and see if there's any difference when pulling them out. Perhaps also throw in an couple o-rings as well.
Freshwater all else. Hook a pony bottle to reg and throw it into the muck bucket full of water. Soak a day. blow it out, hang to dry. Power fill the BC with fresh water, finish fill with air and slosh around. empty and may repeat... Soak the whole thing (including the Air2) - again partially pressurized overnight. Probably need a second muck bucket from the feed store.