A lot of it boils down to how good are you at business. I am an independent instructor and I also own a company that does small business marketing. We have done a lot of work with LDS trying to help them be more competitive here in Hawaii. Often what we have found is a stubborn response well this is how we have done because we are divers. Granted the dive industry has many differences than other businesses due to safety, certification agencies and what not, but at the end of the day you are still a business. There is very much a growing under ground in the dive world made up of a lot of folks who broke away from the norm of working through a shop and it is gaining momentum. Many LDS and local shops under appreciate word of mouth that is driven by good and bad customer service and it often reflects in sales. A wise LDS would work with independent instructors to provide them service to train students and get the students in their store to buy gear, get gas, go on trips and what not. Any dive business needs to maintain its passion for diving, but they also need to be smart business owners and look at how small businesses are being successful today and ditch the mentality well this is just how dive shops do it we are different other businesses. No you are a business. Marketing, costumer services, creative business thinking don't change because of the service you offer. In todays markets word of mouth wins over any another marketing campaign you can put on. If you treat the independent instructors badly they will treat the LDS badly and both lose in the end.