What are your biggest pet peeves?

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People touching the reef. Uncalled for imo. Most of the time they are looking for a good photo opportunity or trying to kill something, like a Lionfish.
my biggest pet peeve is divers with cameras. ( I carry a camera) Why do "photographers" think that they have some special priority spot on the dive boat and that everyone else should bow before them on a dive? Excuse me! I paid just as much to be on that trip as anyone else did. I have gotten to the point that when ever a "photographer" kicks me in the face, lands on top of me, pushes me out of the way when I am taking a picture because he as a "better" camera than I do, I just threaten to turn of his air if he ever does it again....
People who act like "know it all's" and start messing with your kit or advising your dive buddy, blah, blah, blah. "Know-it-all's" lac maximam!
divers who start off with no knowledge and complain when others try to help them and show them a much more sensible way to do things and that certain set-ups and procedures are better . for example wings and long hose config .
or better yet --- " AOW " divers who know everything and simply wont listen and then ruin everyone else's dive .
new divers who still expect everyone to do everything for them because their instructor did .
Short blond haired people .
garden gnomes.
lastly , bulgarians and polish divers . never had that many problems with russians -- as long as you keep them away from the pre/post/inbetween/ dive vodka .
That is such a great list! I'm going to pay close attention, shut up and do what you tell me so I don't do anything the wrong way, throw out all my gear because it's not what you use, sit still and listen to you so I don't risk spoiling your dive, dye my hair red (to match yours?) and stand up straight so that I'm taller (or maybe only sit down so you can't see how tall I am), avoid wearing white and black so I don't look like a penguin, get rid of my red beanie so I don't look like a garden gnome, deny my heritage and claim to be of Irish descent, and stay away from the vodka. Will you dive with me then?
definitely people making noise under water for no reason. I wrote that down in an article on my website. besides that there are: people who think they don't have to follow the instructions of the guide since physics don't apply to them or people who have to touch things under water. just wrong! apart from that: as usual people who know everything better and have a great solution for everything or old people with a camera who have to hold on to everything down there to get a picture while they're losing control over they buoyancy and shoot to the surface and after the dive complain about the diveguide who did a poor job. saw that a few times during my training.

That should be about it ;-)


p.s. oh i forgot the people who chase animals and disturb them in their environment (in the ocean ;-)) to take a picture or even better people who make animals move to get a nice little video and show it at home to say "look it moved!" :bash: *grmpf* ;-)
Did you go to Europe?, I'm from Germany and read the German version of Scubaboard people there are very political about which agency somebody got there training from. That's my peeve, I hate people who tell me Naui is better than PADI or CMAS is awesome, everyone else sucks....
I generally dont like loud people...and show offs ...in most cases...it happens to be the same person!
The complete ignorance and lack of understanding that the ocean
does far more damage than old klutzy Polish people with cameras

Oh yeah, and men and also women, that
conduct themselves as children, and also
the oblivious, on their merry way people.

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