We left gear out to dry at our bungalow at Capt. Don's on my first trip without anything going missing. My second trip was at Buddy Dive where the back door had a lock so flimsy you could "pick" it with a quarter, yet none of my photo gear or my laptop ever went missing. Den Laman, where I've stayed the last two times, only has second and third-floor accomodations, so drying stuff out on the balcony is never an issue. At all three, I never had a problem leaving wetsuits and BCs in the unsecured gear rooms (Capt. Don's provides lockable lockers, but Buddy's and BDA's just have places to hang stuff), though we do take our regs and computers back to our rooms - not because I'm wary of theft by locals, but because I don't trust my fellow tourists).
Yeah, fortunately murderers haven't figured out how to take the ferry yet. It stumped me the first time too.
BIBR. Pretty rustic island, but then it's a lot cheaper too. I'd rather spend a bit more money and stay somewhere where the water is safe to drink, the food is safe to eat, and the mosquitos are (relatively, since dengue is still an issue) safe to get devoured by. Even the rustic accomodations on Bonaire usually have their own safes. Paved roads are a plus too, not that one usually drives in Roatan on their own since that would be sheer lunacy.